Seventeen- part one

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'You are so hot! Why do you hide those legs Brie!' I feel sick to my stomach. Sammy did indeed have a wide selection of clothes for me to pick from and I've tried them all on, unsure on most. With the help of some white wine, and some good music, I've been getting changed behind Sammys screen divider whilst she passes different outfits over.

Stepping out from behind the screen, I couldn't look less enthusiastic

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Stepping out from behind the screen, I couldn't look less enthusiastic.
'I feel like a fraud! I don't think I've ever dressed this fancy, never mind wear this much makeup. Are you sure we're not going over board? I'm so nervous, I'm scared I'm gonna dress to fancy.'
I do this all the time. I've had Sammy Google the place five separate times now to be positive I'm not over doing it. The place specifies, black tie, so she is positive I'm dress appropriately.

 'Hun, you are going to nock him off his feet when he sees you! Oh my god!' It's weird having people gush over me like this

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'Hun, you are going to nock him off his feet when he sees you! Oh my god!'
It's weird having people gush over me like this. Chad used to tell me I was over doing myself and that I'm dressing for attention when I'd wear stuff like this, that's why I only had a small selection of clothes, didn't want him thinking I was dressing to please someone else.

Dressed in one of Sammys favourite red dresses, she stopped herself from staring when she suddenly thinks of something.
'Oh! Also what size shoe are you?' She looked down at my bear feet, waiting for a response.

'Erm six? I'm not sure, why?' She rolls her eyes playfully, gently swatting at my shoulder.

Running over to the wardrobe, she starts rummaging threw her things. After a minute of me awkwardly standing behind her waiting for a reply, she turns back around, holding a pair of gorgeous red satin heals to match my dress.

'I bought them to go with the dress. It's kinda perfect we're the same size and shape because otherwise you wouldn't be able to wear these as well.' Looking down at her hands, she's dangling the heals by the straps between her pointer and thumb, waiting for me to take them.
I feel like Cinderella right now. The dress the shoes, the makeover in general. It's like Sammys my very own fairy god mother.

'Oh wow! Sammy! These are gorgeous! You can't be serious, you trust me to wear these and get them home safe?!' I raise my brows now sure she's going to snap out of this guru stylist character and realise she's letting me, of all people wear her favourite clothes.

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