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Brie jones.

'Guys, I'm not leaving this bed. No matter how much you bribe me with new art supplies, flying saucers or a whole boat load of alcohol. I'm staying right here with Mumford and that's that.' When I didn't reply to both Rob or Callum's texts/ phone calls, they came barging in like the A team they are. Spare keys at the ready. My voice is all muffled from being shoved into my pillow.

'Whats happened? You can't shut us out forever. We just want to help and understand what happened between you and Chad. Will you just look at us.' I feel Callum sit on the end of my bed, the mattress dipping on the end and Rob opening my blinds to let the sun in.

'Yeah Tofu, we just want to help, you know that. Please will you talk to us?' Rob joins us on the bed, gently rubbing my leg over the covers.

I know I can talk to them about literally anything but this whole thing with Chad and Harry is just weird to talk to them about.

But what other options do I have.

Trying to piece that night back together after my memory was fighting to forget it, I think for a moment before pulling my head free.
Both Rob and Callum are now climbing onto the bed to get more comfortable.

'So many people saw me. They saw how crazy I am and were ready to call the police. No, they were calling the police.' My face going red just from reliving it in my head and I'm all sweaty, my hair is stuck to my skin. Not to forget my eyes that are stinging from crying so much.

'Hey, don't think like that. They just didn't know the situation, I bet if they knew what was going on, with him, you and that skank, they definitely would have backed you up. We only found out because I walked past the other day and the owner had a word with me. I bet whoever was there was to drunk to remember anything anyway.' Callum is shaking his head with a understanding face. I know they're just trying to make me laugh but it's not going to work. I'll never live this down. Im going to be that crazy ex bitch who punched her ex in a chippy.

'I just want to be left alone guys, please. Im not in the mood to be cheered up. Just let me sleep.' I appreciate them making the effort but it's not going to work today.

I was supposed to be meeting Harry the other day and had to cancel on him, and I hate cancelling. It's probably worse than having to call someone, because you know you'll be disappointing them. He seemed eager to meet eventually but it just felt forced, like he had to do it. Once again, a burden.

Both my brothers sigh simultaneously, and roll their eyes. Rob speaking his mind as ever. 'That isn't going to happen is it? Come on, you might not see it but you my dear, are way to good for that knob head Chad anyway. What sort of names, Chad? Did his parents look up the cheesiest American name going and pick its 1#. I don't want to judge your taste in men babes but he, was the runt of the litter, definitely not the under dog.' They're right, I know they are. They're always right. But that doesn't change what I did to Harry.

'There is something I've not told you guys. Don't freak out, it's nothing serious. Erm Cal, you know that friend of yours, Harry. Well, Its just, it's been hard for me to accept my feelings if that makes sense. With everything going on with Chad it's kind of got put on the back burner but..'

I don't even get to finish my sentence, both Rob and Callum's eyes have flew out of their sockets, mouth gapping open.
'BRIE JONES! You've been keeping secrets from us now!' Callum grabbed my spare pillow, hitting me over the head with it.

'Guys please no, don't freak out. Please. Nothings happened, yet. I completely shut him down the other day, we were supposed to go get coffee together after work one day but then I saw Chad and that girl at the chippy, and I kind of just cancelled on Harry. Not that it was a date or anything, I was still, in my eyes, dating Chad so it was supposed to be harmless. But then everything happened and I had to cancel. Now the guilt of standing Harry up is eating me alive and I hate it.' This whole time I'm blabbering on, you'd think my loving brothers would look sad for me or worried. Nope. Both their faces are lit up like bloody Christmas trees, smiling ear to ear. As if they can read each others minds they say-

'YET?!' At the same time.

'Brie! I'm so sorry you're upset about Chad, he's an actual piece of shit for what he's done to you, but do you not see the silver lining here? Harry likes you enough that even tho you cancelled on him, he still wants to meet up with you.' Rob cheers.

Yeah, that's true. He is doing his persistent serial killer thingy. Maybe my radars off and really he's just a super nice guy who wants to treat me nice.
I should really give Harry a second chance. Non of this is his fault, he just got caught in the cross fire.

Feeling a little more optimistic about this whole thing, I give my brothers a smile. 'Thanks guys. You always know what to say.' Callum grabs some tissues from my bed side table and hands them to me.

'So, gouda. Are you getting out of bed or what? Because if you're not, a bucket of water has your name on it. You stink hun, like mouldy cheese and not in a good way.'

A stupid smile forced its way onto my face, no matter how hard I try to stop it.

I love these three together. That's all I have to say. E 💓

Callum chuffed with himself he got his sister to smile 🥰

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Callum chuffed with himself he got his sister to smile 🥰

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