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I've bought a new notebook today
To be delivered ever so soon
Though I have maybe fifty or more
I just live to write, that's all it is

It's a selcouth to me and other near
A bit orphic so my mother has said
Writing is a serendipity to me
I could go on and on like a raconteur for days at a time

Writing is lucent to me, though I know it's a bit morosis to say
But writing is ineluctable
I love it more than my thrill in sabaism

My process in becoming an author has turned me into quite the logophile
Clearly my love of the arts and words has become like a toska if I were to stop
It's almost like I'm an agathokakological soul
Both amazingly perfect and so terrible villainous

I wrote this because I'm a logophile and I'd like to share some of my favourite words

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