It Comes In Colour

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I love thoughts but never words
Only things flourish in mind from far away
The idea in your head of what you believe I am
I believe it is an unjust version of the abyss I live in

For my abyss comes in red
Blood pours from made up walls of nothing
There be no floor but endless waves
Those too come in crimson

The sky does not exist where my head goes
But if you look up you'll still see hope
Try to keep your head above the quicksand thoughts
Stare only ever up, when the time finally comes to pass you'll see what you want and can't have

You see me in blue
But not the kind of tears or deep set pain
You see wild flowers growing from cracked concrete
You see a faint smile blooming from blossoming pedals

I regret to inform you that you've made it all up
I am no nature piece built from lush life
Blue of the pastels doesn't match my head
It was born to be hated by people who see pink

My mind is red, bloody and hot, boiling with rage
But you see pretty pale blue that never truly whispered my name
And oh, those people who know nothing of me who refuse to see anything but frilly pink
But me, I believe I was born to be colourblind

I always kind of felt deep dark green

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