I hate my father

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When I say I died years ago
I mean I perished
And I would rather die ten times over
Then move back in with my father

My father is a bad man
A vile man
The kind of father you don't consider a dad
Just someone there

I'll tell you one whole truth
I don't care how many meds he takes
I don't care how much therapy he's in
I don't care how much money he steals from me and my mother

He is still the man that made me as a child fear for his life
He is still the man that hit me
He will always be the man that kicked me out
He will always, no matter what,  be the man I hate the most
Because he hates me back more

I want to throw bricks through his window
Burn down the big house he's so proud of
Watch him rot in a grave I dug from a far
I hate him, truly with every bone in my body I hate him

I don't care how much he begs
How much he cries
I love his tears because I relish in his pain
I want him to suffer the way he's made me suffer from birth

I was a child
Barely able to say my own name
And I was scared to go to sleep
Because lord knows what he'd do to my mom when I couldn't see

He claimed me on taxes
He commits tax fraud
Said I live there most of the time
He stole that money from my mother
Because I haven't been to that mans house in over a year for more than an hour a month

He lies
He does crime on the side
He took everything from me
And I hate him for everything he is

My life would be better if he were simply dead
But I swear he'll never die
I know he'll never die
Because karma would've taken him by now

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