Red walls

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I'm warily aware of the heart that beats beneath the bones I've tried so hard to break
To no avail do shattering screams fill my ears filled with indescribable shame
Shame of what I have become inside a hollow body
Art they scream, it's what you know best
Paint the walls red from the inside out because what a pretty colour feigning life

No broken bones, no blood left for colouring tools
I've used it all up on walls that aren't even my own
I wanted red walls too, but I'm a giver more than my own taker
I give until there's nothing left so I give away parts of myself that I would've rather kept for me to have
Because that's who I am
Give until there's nothing left and then give more because who are you if not nothing to others
Other than someone who's willing to lose lives to share art

I've become victim to a saying I've created
Hate everything with passion
Hatred begins where I lack the ability to say no
Hatred begins where I fail to realize that they'll never pay me back
Hatred begins in my own faults

But I'm sure you all love your bloody red walls.

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