You Have Never Lost

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I used to think that asking for help would make me look weak
I know now how wrong of an idea that was.

Asking for help is, in fact, one of the strongest things a person can do.
It takes an extreme level of bravery and courage to stand up and say "I need help."
Admitting that you need help, that you cannot do it on your own, that you want to keep trying — that in it of itself is unwavering bravery.

And when you're down, so down you swear you'll never get up
So close to the end that you can't see past the dark
So alone that you feel in your heart you are isolated
You'll sit and think "this is it." "This is the lowest I've ever been."
And once you reach that point, if you really are at your lowest, then the only way from here is up. If you are still breathing, you can keep climbing up.
If you are not truly at your lowest, then the distant up is shorter.

You'll find your strength, it comes with being alive. It takes time, and effort. But each day you'll endure. You'll endure everything that is coming and you've endured everything that has passed. You are stronger than the challenges you face and when the sun rises on you again tomorrow, you will have come out victorious from the previous day.

If every day as been a battle so far
Than you have never lost
If every day coming is a battle
Than you will continue to win

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