#First time

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Kian: It was your first time trying frozen yogurt, surprisingly you had never had it before. As soon as you had told Kian, he took you out right away for a late night yogurt date. :)

Trevor: Trevor loved the way you sang so when he got the opportunity to bring someone up on stage with him, he pulled you up instantly. It was your first time singing in front of a crowd. :)

Ricky: You had been complaining about there being nothing good on T.V lately, Ricky however argued with you. He brought up Pokemon. You however, had never seen it before. Of course there were the commercials every so often but you never actually took the time to watch it. It was your first time watching pokemon. :)

Jc: After you and Jc had been dating for awhile, he took it into consideration that the two of you had never been penny boarding together. So, when he asked you, you admitted that you hadn't ever went penny boarding. Not to mention you didn't own one. He took you out for a ride after that, it was your first time penny boarding together :)

Connor: Your apartment had been lonely after moving out, so when you told Connor he suggested buying a cat. You personally had never owned one, but you were confident that you could handle it so you got one. It was your first time owning your very own cat :)

Sam: He had begged you to go get your lip pierced so you guys could match, you were afraid of getting anything pierced but he eventually convinced you. It was your first piercing :)


Hey guys! How's it going?

Shout out to you sick fucks who thought that this preference was about virginity. :')


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