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Kian: The music around you blasted so loud you could hardly think, you didn't mind though. All you had on your mind was dancing and drinking until you couldn't stand. The lights above you bounced off of your sparkly and sexy outfit, hair bouncing as you danced with a huge smile on your face.

"Happy New Year baby!" Kian shouted to you over the noise with a grin. You couldn't believe it was already midnight. You gave him a surprised look and he help up his cellphone to reveal 12:01AM on the screen. You smiled and ran to the bar quickly to grab yourselves a shot each, to celebrate 2017.

"Here's to us." You yelled as you handed him his drink. With one swallow the two of you continued dancing, smiling, and sharing the most perfect new years kiss.

Ricky: "Happy new year!" Everyone shouted. Laughing, smiling, and cheering. This was probably one of your favorite nights of all. You and Ricky had decided to get both of your families together to celebrate.

You maneuvered your way through the crowded living room to find Ricky standing with your parents, chatting and looking as if he was having the time of his life. He noticed you and politely stepped away from the conversation to go and celebrate with you as well.

"I love you." You told him before he kissed you sweetly. You could tell that 2017 was going to be your year, and you were excited to have Ricky by your side through it.

Connor: "Oh my god. No way!" You squealed, gaining the attention of a few friends around you two. Connor shushed you with a smile. He had told you about his surprisingly scandalous relationship that he had been keeping a secret from everyone.

"I'm not telling anyone yet! Don't say anything!" He insisted, his eyes lit up with excitement. You couldn't contain yourself and revealed one of your secrets too. You yourself were just getting into a hot relationship as well. He grinned widely as you whispered to him, trying to avoid having anyone overhear while giving him all of the details.

"Well, guess we're both starting the new year off right." You winked at him, an odd rebellious and scandalous feeling bubbling inside you. It felt good having these secrets only between you two, and it felt even better knowing that you'd have a hot sex buddy for 2017.

Jc: "I have something to tell you." You whispered to him, nervously smiling. You were anxious, but excited and couldn't wait for midnight to finally come. You'd been waiting for tonight to share the news with him, hopeful that he'd be as excited and happy as you were.

"5...4...3...2..." You smiled widely as he counted down, the sound of people cheering soon erupted around you guys. Despite the small party going on around you guys, you pulled him close, hugging him tightly.

"Happy new year, from the both of us." You stated, pulling away to get some sort of reaction. At first he was confused, but soon realized just exactly what you had announced. He hugged you and lifted you up with ease. His heart beating fast. He was gonna be a dad, and he couldn't hide his absolutely happiness about it.

Trevor: You'd been flirting on and off with the same guy all night, unsure if he really liked you. It felt a little awkward, but Trevor wouldn't leave you alone until you gave the guys he pointed out to you a try.

As the clock counted down, you were growing more and more desperate to find an excuse to get out of the situation, but couldn't seem to find one. You laughed lightly at the random comment the guy had made, being as polite as possible and expecting this conversation to go nowhere. He was nice, but didn't seem that interested.

"Happy new year!" The first person yelled, followed by many more. Out of nowhere, the cute boy you'd been talking with all night leaned down and kissed you. It was passionate and full of lust which was not at all what you were expecting. You could practically hear Trevor now, rubbing in the fact that he was right about this guy.

Sam: You and him never really went to new years eve parties, mainly because you could hardly stay awake that long. This year however you decided to at least try, for him anyways. Halfway through the party you could feel yourself dozing off, but continued to dance anyways, hoping to shake off the sleepiness.

"10..9..8..7..6.." People started counting down, you included despite your heavy eyelids making it hard for you to even keep your eyes open. It was finally 2017, but all you wanted to do was sleep. In your efforts to stay awake, you managed to find Sam and give him a new years kiss, and make your way towards a less crowded area.

"Can we go? Please?" You hated to do this to him, knowing that he wanted to stay and party, but couldn't help it any longer. He just smiled and tossed his arm around you. With a nod, you two said your goodbyes and left to go home and spend the rest of the night sleeping and cuddling.


Hello lovelies :)

Happy almost new year! (Unless of course its past midnight for any of you, its only 7:09pm here).

I'm so grateful that 2016 is almost over, I really want 2017 to be a better year.

I love you guys, and may 2017 be good to you.


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