#Things you and your bff do

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Kian: Play Minecraft and other video games. You'd two would never admit it, but it's one of the best ways that you two bond.

Jc: Singing together. You've never been shy when it comes to your voice, so you and your best friend always sing together no matter where you are.

Connor: Volunteer at the same places together. You're a generous person who loves to give back, so you figured why not do it with your best friend?

Ricky: Travel. You are your best friend adore traveling with each other, after all they're the best companion you could ask for.

Trevor: Exercise. Working out is sometimes the thing you dread most, but your best friend always makes it fun for you guys.

Sam: Shop. Nothing compares to shopping with your best friend. Constructive criticism is essential when you guys are shipping for cute new clothes.


I feel like I've done this preference lmao oh well.

How is everyone's summer going? :)

Love you


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