#Your couple label

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A/N: For Connor's and Trevor's it'll be more so your "friendship" label

Kian: You're the fun couple. Always laughing, having fun, messing around. Your relationship is carefree and as laid back as can be.

Ricky: You guys are the adventurous couple. Always trying new things and going out to explore. It's a never ending journey with Ricky, and that never fails to leave the relationship full of excitement.

Jc: You're relationship is beyond flirtatious. You guys constantly flirt with each other and tease each other. It's almost sickening, but it shows that you guys aren't afraid to tell the world who's yours.

Trevor: You guys are the dramatic friendship. Everyone knows that you guys are drama queens and will stop at nothing to be as dramatic and as diva-like as possible.

Connor: You guys are the artsy friendship. Your friendship is full of creativity and ideas and exploration. Some people would even go far enough to name you guys the "tumblr" duo.

Sam: You guys are the lazy couple. You guys are always laying around or staying inside most days unless you HAVE to go out. You don't mind it as much, but some people complain that you guys never go out.


Hey babies :)

This is it for now, another update coming soon :)

Love you


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