#A.D.I.D.A.S (lyric preference)

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The song is A.D.I.D.A.S By Little Mix

Kian: We been busy doin' all Fifty Shades, while we listen to drake. We on that hot love and emotion.

That was your thing. Getting kinky and listening to Drake's music. Nothing more to it than that really. You loved being bad with Kian and trying new things, and what hotter way to do that than listening to Drake's smooth voice while getting fucked?

Going all Fifty shades made it more exciting and added a whole new zone to your sex life with Kian, and you had absolutely no problem with that.

Jc: Since I've met you I've been thinkin' all day, I've been googlin' ways, to keep you entertained.

Jc was the first real boyfriend that you had ever truly loved, but the two of you hadn't been intimate yet which worried you. The whole reason you hadn't done anything was because you were worried that you wouldn't satisfy his needs and that you wouldn't entertain him enough. So, you googled it.

Of course you never expected anyone to see it, but leaving your laptop open by mistake when Jc came over later that day made for embarrassment. He assured you that when you were ready, you would do just fine. ;)

Ricky: I've never had somebody who, could do them things, make me say ooh ooh ooh.

You knew from the moment you first had sex with Ricky that he was your perfect fit. He was the first man to ever make you feel the way that you did, everything he did was so right. And you loved every minute of it.

Every time you gripped those bedsheets, you knew you were in for the time of your life and that you only felt this way with him

Connor: They say that it's overrated, well they ain't doin' it right.

All of your friends were so caught up in drama and boyfriends that they often didn't see what the point of hanging out with friends was anymore. They had their own problems, and admitted to never understanding how you and Connor had such a tight bond.

The only response you would give them, is telling that they weren't doing it right. They didn't understand because they had no idea what it meant to be that close with anyone.

Trevor: All day I'm dreaming about it.

Your dream was to live a full life, with Trevor as your best friend by your side the entire journey through. You hoped to be at his wedding, and to have him at yours. You wanted your kids to be best friends, and he wanted the same. Nothing could ever break what you guys have, and for that you were grateful.

Sam: Excuse me, do me or lose me. Get me to the bedroom, do your duty.

As much as you hated to admit it, hate sex was pretty amazing with Sam. You didn't like being angry at him, so whenever you two got in a fight you would just fuck each other to get rid of the anger. You demanded him to have sex with you, no matter how angry he was, and of course he went with it.

He knew that it was about to happen every time one of you started an argument. He'd never admit it, but a lot of the time he would start the fights just to get you in bed. He loved angry you.


Hey babies !

It was so hard finding innocent lyrics for Connor and Trevor 😂😂 but hey, I love this song so I had to figure it out somehow.

I've been obsessed with Little Mix lately, I mean their music is pretty rad. I'd recommend.

Anyways, love you !


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