#Your favourite thing about him

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Sam: You love his rosey red cheeks. You think that he looks adorable with them :)

Kian: Your in love with his sense of humor. He can always make you laugh no matter what mood your in :)

Ricky: You love that he isn't afraid to be himself around you, he acts down to earth when he's with you and you love that :)

Trevor: You love his attitude! You love the fact that he isn't afraid to speak his mind and show his true opinions :)

Connor: You love his smile, seeing him smile brightens up your day and can change your mood in an instant :)

Jc: You love how he has a romantic side, he may not be the most romantic guy all the time but once in a while he'll do something super romantic for you :)


Another update!

I'm awesome! I know..


I love you all!

Can we reach 3.5K by Thursday?

You guys are amazing :)


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