#He helps you face a fear

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Kian: "It's okay baby girl, you can do this. I'll be with you the whole time." He assured you, gesturing towards the light switch.

You hated to admit it, but you were petrified of the dark and anything that came with it. Every night you kept some kind of light on so that it wouldn't be pitch black, but tonight Kian wanted to have no lights on.

"Ki, I'm scared. What if something goes wrong." You mumbled to him, trying the best you could to hide the nerves. He just chuckled and walked over to you, gently guiding you through the blackness towards your bed.

"I'll protect you, you have nothing to worry about." He pulled you close as you got under the covers. Eventually you calmed down, grateful that he helped you overcome your fear.

Jc: You gulped harshly, the horrific feeling of fear growing inside you. Since you were little you couldn't stand any remotely small space, it made you panic just thinking about it.

"Y/N? You coming?" He asked, giving you an oblivious smile. He had no idea about your fear, so when he openly wanted to take the elevator, you could barely move. You just nodded, not moving an inch from the place that you stood. He soon caught on and grabbed your hand, leading you towards the elevator.

"What if it breaks down?" You began to sweat, unknowingly taking your first step onto it.

He held you to his chest and you shut your eyes, your stomach flipping as the elevator went up. It was a relief when you got to the floor, and sort of exciting that you'd gotten through your worst nightmare.

Trevor: "We should go for a swim." He suggested, standing over you as you lifted the shades off of your eyes. You panicked, not wanting to disappoint, but also not wanting to swim.

You hated the water, especially open water. Everything about it terrified you, so you stayed away from it and normally just stayed on the sand when you went to the beach.

"I'm good here." You insisted, leaning back on the sand. Before you knew it, he had you over his shoulder and was dragging you to the water. "No, no, no. Trevor I'm scared." You screamed.

"There's nothing to be scared of. I'm your best friend, and I'm telling you, that we are not leaving the beach until you go in the water with me." He raised his brows with a big smile. You sighed and decided that today was the day you'd do this.

Ricky: Heights. Your biggest fear after being on a plane for the first time. The turbulence scared you to the point of tears and for the longest time you refused to go anywhere near planes or anything that involved high places.

"Are you sure?" You asked, giving his hand a squeeze. He nodded, giving you a small smile.

"It's a really short flight. It really isn't that bad, I promise." He tried to give you the confidence you needed, and though it didn't work he still managed to get you on the plane. Your heart raced, and you couldn't stop fidgeting in your seat. He kissed the top of your hand and handed you an ear bud, inviting you to watch a movie with him on his laptop. It distracted you for the time being, and you were happy and proud to have survived the flight.

Connor: Your greatest fear in life was the doctor's office. Anything from a walk-in clinic to a hospital, you couldn't stand the idea of being surrounded by sick and/or dying people. You had forgotten about your appointment that you had later that day, which was surprising seeing how dreadful they were for you.

"Oh no." You cursed yourself for forgetting as you looked at the calendar. You were brought out of your fear when your phone buzzed.

I'm outside, you coming or not?


Not only did you forget about the appointment, you also forgot that you had asked Connor to drive you since your car was in the shop. He drove you to the office and you were a nervous wreck, trying to make up excuses so you could go home. Despite the anxiety, you made it through and was glad that Connor was there to support you.

Sam: The very idea of any kind of bug made chills crawl up your spine. You'd never been big on bugs of any kind, but the worst by far were spiders.

You were innocently sitting in bed, reading a book when you reached for you water bottle only to be met face to face with a gigantic spider. In your eyes it was huge, but deep down you knew it was only a house spider.

"Sam!!" You yelled, bursting out of your room. He soon came and saw what the big deal was about. He laughed, dragging you over to it.

"You kill it." He stated, laughing at your fear. You groaned, shaking your head. Eventually he killed it for you, but technically you stayed in a room with a spider and you considered that an achievement.


Hey babes!

:) hope all is well, and I hope you had a good day.

Love you


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