#Where you guys meet

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Sam: You were going to get your first tattoo and when you got to the parlor you took a seat. You were so nervous! He smiled at you, "Don't worry. Its not so bad. Sam, pottorff." And you guys never stopped talking since!

Kian: You were tanning at the beach when you got hit in the head with a volleyball. You looked around to see who it was and saw him running towards you. "Oh my god I'm sorry are you ok?!" He seemed so concerned. You said yes then introduced yourselves to one another and you guys hit it off from there.

Ricky: You were at the grocery store picking up ssome stuff when you reached a certain aisle, you were to short to reach the item that you needed. He came along and helped you out, after giving you the item you needed he introduced himself, "Ricky." And you then exchanged numbers and kept in touch since.

Trevor: You were playing your guitar and singing on the street, trying to gain some extra cash when he came along and threw some money in your guitar case. "Beautiful voice." You smiled at his words then continued to sing. Not only did he throw in money, he also threw in his number.

Connor: You were at the animal shelter, helping out when he walked in, "Need some help?" He noticed you were struggling getting the cat out of its cage. "Connor. Looking for a pet myself." He smiled and you then found him a pet, kitten to be exact. And he then gave you his number and you guys were inseperable since.

Jc: You were about to turn the corner while on your pennboard when you went flying onto a large patch of grass. You look down to see that your knee was bleeding a bit, "ow damm it!" You heard a slight laugh, "sorry. You ok? My bad." He looked at your knee then crouched down next to you to get a closer look. He then pulled a bandadge out from his pocket and placed it on your cut. You thanked him and he then helped you home. You guys kept in touch since!


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