#How he proposes

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Sam: He took you out for a night drive, you had been really stressed lately so he wanted you to relax and clear your mind. He pulled up on the side of the road and hopped out, followed by you. He walked you down to the sand, and stood next to you, then got down on one knee. He then began speaking, "Y/N... I love you with all my heart. You are my one and only. I can't imagine life with out you..." Your eyes began to tear up. "Will you marry me?" He pulled out the ring. You jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately.

Kian: Kian had taken you to an amuzement park to spend time together, the last ride you decided to go on was the ferris wheel. The ride started and you gripped onto his hand tightly, you hadn't realized how afraid of heights you were until you went higher. You closed your eyes tightly and squeezed his hand, he chuckled a bit. "Its ok. I got you." He wrapped an arm around you. You peeked your eyes open and focused on kian, "I wanted to ask you something..." You nodded and he continued. "We have made so many good memories together.. And I want to make even more. Y/N? Will you do me the honor of being my wife?" He pulled the ring out. You kissed him softly and said yes.

Ricky: It was your birthday today so you two decided to spend the hole day together, he took you out to dinner at the end of the day. You recognized that this was the resteraunt that he had frequently taken you to on special occasions. You didn't think much of the location, you were just happy that you were with him. After ordering and eating you thanked him for an amazing day, he gave you a warm smile then reached in his pocket. You were curious but didn't bother him with it, "Y/N?" You looked at him and smiled. "I love you more then you will ever know... You've made me smile even when I thought no one could. You are my sunshine. My sassy girl." You gave a little giggle and started to tear up. He revealed the ring, "Will you marry me?" He bit his lip nervously. You nodded a thousand times then stood up and hugged him, then sealed it with a kiss.

Connor: You were laying in bed with him, cuddling and talking. He smiled then brushed a piece of hair behind your ear, you smiled back. He had seemed nervous all day and you didn't understand why. He never really showed when he was nervous around you except for today, you shook it off and focused back on him. "Your so beautiful." He spoke gently, a blush appeared on your face. Connor had called you beautiful before but every time he said it, it always made you smile. A grin grew across your face, you shyly kissed him. He kissed back then pulled away, "I wanna show you something." He slid out of the bed and you did as well, he walked out onto the balcony. You followed and he grasped your hand softly, you smiled as he pointed to the city lights and all the stars. It was breath taking, "I wanna ask you something, Y/N...." You smiled at him. "I just wanna say that I love you so damn much. You are perfect in every way and I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend.. I want you to be more then my girlfriend though." You knew where this was going and you started to cry, he got down on his knee and pulled out the ring. "Will you marry me?" You smiled widely, almost blinded by your tears. You wrapped your arms around him kissing him, then told him yes.

Jc: You were playing with wishbone in his room while Vega slept in Jc's lap. Wishbone started barking and you and Jc both laughed, wishbone jumped on the bed and layed down next to him. You could tell that wishbone was tired so you let him rest, instead you focused your attention to your amazing boyfriend. "I love you." He smiled at you and kissed your cheek, "I love you too." You told him, his smile seemed to grow. He removed Vega from his lap and placed her gently on his pillow, he then placed you in his lap. "Seriously. I love you." He said again, you kissed him. "I know. I love you too." You giggled a bit, "I'll be right back..." He gave a grin. You nodded and he took you off his lap then left the room. You had no idea where he was going, you didn't mind though. You waited for a while until your curiosity had gotten the best of you, he had been gone a while and you needed to know where he could have possibly went. You quietly left his room and walked around the house, where could he be? You went to the living room to see him standing with a bouquet of all your favorite flowers, you ran to him and hugged him tightly. He looked deeply into your eyes and smiled then kissed you, "Y/N? You know I love you. Words can't explain how much you mean to me, I don't wanna spend a day without you." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a ring. He handed you the bouquet then got down on his knee, "Will you marry me?" He gave you his signature smile. You started to cry, you then placed your hand in front of him and he slid the ring onto your finger.

Trevor: He was up on stage, singing his heart out. You were so proud that he had not only had a YouTube career but he also had an amazing music career. You sang along to the lyrics with the rest of the crowd, he looked at you with a smile and winked. That made you heart flutter, you winked back and he continued to sing. Soon after the song ended he put the microphone to his mouth, "Thank you! You guys are amazing!" The crowd cheered, he then called you up on stage. You were shocked but you went up anyways, "this is my amazing, beautiful, supportive girlfriend, Y/N." His words made your face go red. You smiled at him, and the crowd 'awed' he turned to you and grinned. "I love you. Not being with you is like not breathing. I need you." Your eyes teared up. He pulled out a ring and got down on a knee. "Will you marr-" before he could finish his lips were locked onto yours. He put the ring on your finger not breaking the romantic kiss.


Hello beautiful people!

How is everyone?

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Love you guys!!



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