#Do ya like (Lyric Preference)

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A/N: The song is Do Ya Like by Childish Gambino

Kian: All I know is that I wanna dance with ya, move in closer before I'm gon' kiss ya.

You and Kian were a party couple. Always having fun and being outgoing. Tonight was nothing different. Every once in a while you'd go out to clubs and get completely shitfaced, dance around, and have the time of your lives. This was one of those nights. Kian and you had just gotten to the busy club and you two were already dancing close to each other, never leaving each others sides, enjoying how close you guys were. After endless dancing, he pulled you close and kissed you. It sent a warmth through your whole body and only made you wanna stay closer.

Connor: Know that you know me. Don't act stupid.

Every time you got a free day to spare, it seemed Connor was busy. And vice versa. You felt like you were losing him a bit, due to your job and busy schedule. Eventually you called him again, after the second time tonight and he picked up. You explained how worried you were about your friendship, not going to any lengths to hide what you truly felt.

"Trust me, you haven't missed much. You're still my best friend and believe me, you will always know more about me than anyone else." He assured you, putting your fear to rest.

Jc: Girls in the lobby tryin' to meet me.

The same thing happened every time you went to an event with him. He would get a phone call from the manager of the hotel, claiming that there were screaming girls in the lobby waiting for him to come down. He knew it annoyed you, but went down and took photos and such anyways. You felt jealous and annoyed, eager to have him all to yourself (as selfish as that sounds) you couldn't help it. He assured you all the time that he was yours though, and did his best to make sure his fans never got between you guys.

Trevor: Yes, I'm always on tour. Whatcba mad at that for?

He never understood. Couldn't quite grasp why you seemed to hate him being on tour so much, but you had difficulty explaining it to him. You didn't want to hurt his feelings by admitting you wanted your best friend back, but you could hardly keep yourself from telling him that. He was constantly away and due to management, you weren't aloud going on tour with him. He tried his best to make time for you though, and knew fully well that when he got back he had a lot of catching up to do.

Ricky: Tell me what you wanna do, I will make it happen.

Ricky would do everything and anything humanly possible for you. You were everything to him, and if that meant doing the impossible he would do damn well to do whatever it happened to be. You loved him beyond comprehension, and knowing that he'd help you accomplish anything you wanted made you only fall deeper in love with him.

Sam: Yes I bring the heat girl. Fire f-fireman.

Most of the time is was always Sam who brought the hotness to your relationship. You didn't exactly feel like you were the seductive and sensual one, but he made sure you felt like you could be. Everyday he brought the romance and the heat and the fire that you wanted, never failing to make you feel sexy and wanted by the boy you loved.


Hello babies :)

Some are shorter than others, I'm sorry about that. I ran out of ideas lol. What else is new.

Anyways, hope you all had/are having a good day :)

Love you !


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