Dirty Waters

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Next morning

Niharika woke up and melted at the sight in front of her, somehow Parth in sleep crossed her and is now lying over Ranvijay's chest, while he is holding Parth securely to his body.

Who will say this Ranvijay has social anxiety? When it comes to Parth, he turns mushy in seconds.

She woke up smiling, freshened up and went to make breakfast. While she was busy in it, Ranvijay came and back hugged her nuzzling in her neck. A broad smile threatened to warm her cheeks.
"What are you cooking?"
"Chicken and cheese sandwich, Parth's and yours favorite! Wait a minute, I will make the tea."
"Did you sleep well?"
"Are you gonna stay like this?"
"Aww baby..."
"Whose baby?"
"You are"
"Niharika stop, or I will puke in cringe."

They both laughed at that.
"You know, when you were ignoring for weeks, I was so pissed. I thought, your honeymoon period got over."

"Honeymoon period?" Ranvijay scrunched his eyebrows. Niharika tilted her head to see Ranvijay, still coiled in his arms, and said,"Yeah, you don't know that? It's like when two people are new in relation, there's a time when everything is beautiful and sweet, and then it's over and everything is bitter. It's like realizing the person, you were thinking of to be the angel, is actually the right hand of Satan," continuing to make sandwich.

Ranvijay absorbed the information, asking innocently, "Do you?"
"Do you what, hubby?"
"Do you feel the same for me, have I become the right hand of the devil for you?"

Niharika chuckled, "Dhyet, not at all, you have become cuter to me. You know coconut, hard from outside, sweet and softer inside, and then completely water in the core! You can be anything, but Satan. Except some other case, where I won't mind you being that."

It took some time to register the words, but when Ranvijay realized, he snickered, "Don't you think, you're becoming bold in words only! When it's time for action, you just run away like a scaredy cat."

Niharika was offended, "When was that?"
"If a kid wasn't sleeping in our bedroom, I would have showed you, right here, "when was that", it would take me a minute to make you a pink cotton candy, and then swallow it all in one bite."

Niharika was spell bound, at his husband's open shamelessness, but thanks to God, the idiot human had some sense at not starting when a kid was in the house.

The doorbell rang and Ranvijay went to attend it.

He opened the door only to find Nitin,"Hi, I came to pick Parth up."
"Oh come inside, he's not awake yet."
"That's why I came, that boy doesn't wake up without me whooping his ass". Ranvijay chuckled, and Niharika shouted from the kitchen,"Jiju, language! Di will kill you if Parth catches the word."

"Prajakta di didn't come by?"
"She is still a bit pissed off at you, she is protective of her little sister, more than her own son. She is mature too, that's why letting you both handle it, since she feels you people should decide what you want in your life. At the same time, she doesn't want to break your head, that's why she refrained herself from coming."
Ranvijay nodded with a sad smile and lowered his head.

"Don't worry, she will be okay as soon as her sister is prancing around the room again. Umm, Ranvijay, I bought something for you. Will you look at it, if it's okay for you or not?"

Ranvijay got a bit emotional at that, "Sure, what ever you give, it will be my pleasure."
"Its just a shirt and a jeans."
"Thank you so much, I just needed it, really. I didn't bring my clothes here."
"Hahah, no problem. Our house is just 5 minutes away from here, if you need anything like clothes or shaving kit, come by."
"Okay, thank you."
"You can call me, anything."
"May be bhai?"
"Cool for me."

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