Chapter (3) Daily Life of Lee Hwi

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(The prince learns some basic manners and when her movement become nearly the same with her brother, real Lee Hwi, the Crown Princess allow her not to pretend to be sick and need to start the prince daily life. The prince feels excited to leave his quarter because this is the first time she needs to go out as Lee Hwi. Will her grandfather and Father notice her?

When she arrived at his grandfather's quarter, she found that her father and mother had already arrived. When she sat down in the designated place to pay her respects to her grandfather and grandmother, my grandmother said...)

I was concerned when I heard you weren't feeling well for a while. Are you feeling better now?

Yes, I am sorry to have caused you to worry.

Is it because you've been sick recently? Your sound not as strong as before.

No, it is not, Your Majesty, I am perfectly fine.

(When he said that, he pretended to start coughing....)

It is not good. I wll have one of my people to deliver some tonics to get your energy up. Make sure to drink it every day.

Yes, Your Majesty.

(After talking for some time, the King said.......)

This is enough for morning greetings. You may all leave now. Crown Prince, a new preceptor was appointed for Prince, check it out.

Yes, Father.

(The prince came out of the King's Quarter and on his way back to his palace, he was take wrong path and therefore, Eunuch Hong quickly remind that....)

No, not there, It's that way....


(The court maids are looking strangely to their prince who takes wrong path and so the prince just pretend he notice and turn around and take the right way. After taking short rest, the prince have to go to Royal Study Room to Study. After a long day of reading as first time, the prince feels tired and fell asleep while reading at night. Due to the prince sleepy, he slips and drop the medicine which was given to him by court maid and then the cup is broken. Therefore, the court maid feels afraid and suddenly kneel and said "I beg your pardon, Your Highness. I will go and bring another bowl." Then, the maid, first clean up the broken pieces, however, unfortunately, she accidentally cut her hand with broken pieces. When the prince sees this, he quickly helps the girl and cover the maid hand with clothes to stop bleeding. Then, he call eunuch Hong...


Did you ask for me?

Get some ointment from the royal pharmacy.



At that moment, the Crown Princess came in and saw what had happened, so she ordered everyone to leave, and only the prince and she was left alone. And the prince said...

The cut was deep. Please call a physician for her.

There's no need. This is not your place to worry about her even if her finger is wounded or servered.

She was hurt because of me. I dropped the bowl.


It was her fault. So, you don't need to apologize. You never need to apologize. You are the person who don't need to worry about other people. Think only about yourself. You don't need to care about what others think of you. That's what the "Prince" means. There's no need to show respect to others or feel bad for them. The only people you will show respect to are the King and the Crown Prince. Do you understand that?

But.... why must I do that? That's not how I want to live. It is only fair that I apologize to whoever deserves my apology when I am at fault. No matter what my title may be.

They must know their place. Make them fear you. And don't let them get close to you. This is only way to survive. Do you understand?

However......,I understand.

(Even after her mother left, the prince was left in daze. Eldest Grandson, the Prince! Yeah, now Dami is already death and I become Lee Hwi. I am just pretending to be someone else. Goodbye DAMI....)

(Note: For this chapter most conversation translation are from Netflix.)

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