Chapter (23) Reinstate Lord Shin Young-soo

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(As usual, the king went and greeted Queen Dowager. Then, the Queen Dowager said to the king... ..)

"Your Majesty, I know, young people are hot-blooded, but you should be careful, shouldn't you?"

"What do you mean, Grandmother?"

"I heard the west garden, you and the Queen are...."

"Ah...this...but how do you know this?"

"So, is it true? How dare you do this in the daytime in open space?"

"It is not as you thought, Grandmother. It is just...small accident. And but why do you know, at that time, there was only Court Lady Kim and Queen's court maid, Yu goon."

"Do not forget that you have ears on every wall. So how did that news come about, Your Majesty?"

(Then, the King explain about the accident to Queen Dowager and the Queen Dowager understood all. So, she said....)

"This...the Queen, how careless she is? Will there a day there is no accident? By the way, Your Majesty, is it really accident. Do I need to push Royal Astronomical Bureau to pick up the selection of auspicious days?

"Ah...It is really no need Grandmother, no need. This is really accident."

"Why you seem so consternation? You need to pay attention to produce an heir so that your political realm can be strengthen. Thinking about Prince Jehyeon who has been banished after losing his parents prevents me from sleeping at night. Now that Prince Wonsan is also leaving for a place far away from the palace...I do feel burdened by his departure. Why is the Chief State Councilor adamant about driving out my family? Perhaps...I have lived for too long."

"I am sorry, Grandmother."

"This is not your fault, Your Majesty. This grandmother also fail to choose a Queen who could help you."

"It is my fault for not being able to capture Shin So-eun's heart."

"Your Majesty, you still couldn't forget this girl"

"Could I, she is my first love.........Grandmother."

"I heard that you are planning to reinstate Lord Shin Young-soo back at the palace. This is because of this girl..."

"It is not like this, Grandmother. Now, because of my grandfather, the scholars are requesting to dismiss Grandmother every day and they are imprisoned due to their action. This case become repeatedly and I think only Shin Young-soo can handle this case peacefully."

(After the king said to his grandmother, she thought back to what she had said to his grandfather that day...

On that day, Scholar from Sung Kyun Kwan requested to dismiss her grandfather and her grandfather came to see her. So, they said a few words. That day the King said to her grandfather ....)

"When a dog barks after seeing something, other dogs follow despite not seeing it for themselves. The scholars outside are only following someone's lead and are repeating the same words over and over again. It...does not bother me. However, even feathers can sink a ship if there are enough of them. If the number of scholars gathering gradually increases, they might become a burden to you. That is what I worry about. That being said...May I suggest that we reinstate Lord Shin Young-soo back at the palace?

"Shin Yeong-su who was stripped of his rank and retired to the countryside?"

"I hear that he has become a mentor to scholars. Many look up to him which is why he could help resolve the issue at hand."

"You are not wrong, but he does not care about state affairs anymore. A man who was forced to leave would have no interest in coming back to the palace."

"We couldn't know if we didn't try."

(The King was thinking back to that day, so she did not hear her grandmother calling. After being called again and again, the King wake up from his thought ....)

"What are you thinking, Your majesty?

"I am sorry Grandmother."

"Have you really decided to reinstate Lord Shin Young-soo back at the palace?"

"I know what I am doing Grandmother. Please take it easy."

"Well, you are the monarch of this country. This grandmother trusts you."

"Then please take a rest Grandmother. Allow me to take leave."

(The king then returned to the palace. She put secret letter in the summons which is for Lord Shin Young-soo.

By royal decree, Royal Secretariat Yang Moon-soo himself went to see Lord Shin Young-soo. When Lord Shin Young-soo heard why Royal Secretariat was coming, he said...)

"But the weight of my sin still remains heavy. I could not possibly return to a place within the palace."

"Come on. Must you relentlessly decline? Maybe you could help me save face. If I return empty-handed, it would leave me in a predicament at the palace. Besides... I come bearing a royal order from His Majesty himself."

"And that would mean it comes from the Chief State Councilor. I have voiced my opinion. Please let the Chief State Councilor know."

"I have relayed the order, so deliver the refusal yourself."

(Royal Secretariat Yang said so, not waiting for the Lord Shin answer and ran away. When the Lord Shin finally unpacked the decree, he saw a note which is written by the King, "BULBIBULMYEONG."

When he saw this, he remembers the Late King. At that time, the Late King asked him to keep the boat, the country well-balance so that the people who have no power or wealth would not suffer. Therefore, finally, the Lord Shin made a decision.)

Note: Will Lord Shin come back to Capital, Hanyang? Will the King and Shin So-eun meet again?

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