Chapter (13) Shin So-eun

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(Two girls came out of the palace. If you look closely, you can see a girl is smiling all the way. Therefore, one girl ask the other girl...)

"Ha-Kyaung, what made you smile all the way?"

"So-eun, did you know that I nearly fall while I following butterfly when I am waiting you?"

"Did you get hurt?"

"No, because there was someone holding me before I fell. You should have seen the way he took by the waist to stop me from falling. His face was like God under the sun."

"Really! I would like to know who he is that you are praising that much. Now you have forgotten your prince when you see someone new?"

"How can I forget?" The one who save me was the Crown Prince."

"Oh, Crown Prince, really."

"You can't believe, right. I am still can't believe. And, more surprisingly is the one who send me to the Physician was also the Crown Prince."

"Oh My God, Really!"

"Could this be what is know as destiny? I have decided. I am going to be the Crown Princess, for sure."

(When Ha-kyaung said like that So-en laugh and said...)

"You...really are..."

"I said seriously."

"If you are serious, you need to study more. I heard that the Crown Princess selection ceremony will be held soon."

"So-eun, Do you think I can? What if I cannot answer the questions?"

"If you try hard, you will surely get, let's get back. Don't be distracted on your way home and please get home safely, Crown Princess-to-be."

"Crown Princess-to-be, Ah...So-eun, you are teasing me, stop that."

(Little did the Prince know that his accidental act had captured a girl's heart. Instead, she was busy for preparation to receive the envoys from Ming.

The Prince asked Royal Tutor Jung to accompany him when she go out the Palace, but, Royal Tutor Jung said that he has some personal case and politely refuse the Prince request.

Therefore, the Prince only go out with her brother, Prince Jaeun to check the condition of decoration and arrangement for receiving Envoys.

After wandering around for a while, the Prince saw one brush from a shop and she pick up that. Nearly the same time, a girl also picks up that brush and the two of them held the brush at the same time. However, if one clearly says, the Prince is a little bit earlier than the girl, so the girl asked to Prince that...)

"I'm sorry Sir... Could you give me this brush? I know that it is inappropriate to request you, but...."

"Could you please tell me why you need this brush?"

(The Prince asked like this because it is not she look down on her. This brush is from Ming and it is really expensive for a girl, even if she is from a noble family. Usually, a girl shouldn't need such kind of brush. Therefore, she asked with curiosity.)

"My dad's birthday is coming up soon so I'm going to buy it for him.... If you could give me this brush, I am very thankful."

"If so, how could I deny you while you are showing filial piety to your father. Please take it."

(While the prince was talking with the girl, Prince Jaeun was watching the two. He wonders why in these days, the girls are surrounding near Crown Prince.

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