Chapter (36) Rumor Spread

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(The relationship that was warm recently now turned to cold again because of the incident that night. The Kind didn't have lunch together with the Queen anymore with the reason that she is too busy with political issues. It would be more accurate to say that she was busy with work because she didn't dare to see the Queen now. She wanted to be honest with the Queen. To do this, she had to remove her grandfather's position. Therefore, she had secret meetings with the Chief Bodyguard Yoon, Kim Ga-on and royal scribe Jong. Recently the she met more with royal scribe Jong, who was also a teacher and childhood friend. It will reduce the doubt from her grandfather because it is normal to be with the King and Royal Scribe. Therefore, royal scribe Jong became the messenger between others and the King. However, an unexpected rumor came out again. The King has only one Queen in the harem and she is not too close to the Queen. But every day and night together with the Royal Scribe Jong and so the rumor about the King and Scribe Jong came out like this. As the news spread little by little, the Queen Dowager could no longer site aside and called the King to meet her. And The Queen Dowager said...)

"A wicked rumor has been circulating in the palace recently. I do not understand how it even surfaced. However, I do believe it is due to there still being no heir. Are you distancing yourself from the Queen because her father is one of Lord Sangheon's people?"

"Of course not."

"I see. Well, I am sure you are well aware of this, but the Chief State Councilor is a terrifying man. If the rumors spread while you remain childless, he might suddenly turn against you. So, I urge you to act cautiously. "Gwajeonbulnapri (A SAYING THAT SAYS NOT TO DO ANYTHING THAT CAN RAISE SUSPICION)" is what they say. It will not do you any good to keep Jung Ji-un by your side, so find an excuse to remove him from the palace."

"I apologize for concerning you, Grandmother. However, ... I know what I am doing, so please let your worry subside. Jung Ji-un, I still have to use and can't let him leave."

"If you knew what you do, this grandmother would have nothing more to say. But the rumors must have to be controlled. This grandmother gave orders to set up a tea time for you and the Queen. Being seen together often will make these rumors subside. You should go to her. The queen is as pure as white lotus and you should appreciate it."

"I understand grandmother."

"Even the way, is it because you still couldn't forget that girl?"

(The King didn't reply and just lower her head. So, the Queen Dowager said...)

"Your Majesty, you really... If you still can't forget, after the Queen get the heir, this grandmother will give an order to keep that little girl as your consort."

"Ah... this... this... couldn't be done grandmother."


"She is the girl that I love and I didn't would like to degrading her as a mere consort. She is deserving to be a Mistress of someone."

"It is not a good thing to have only the Queen in the Harem."

"The throne is still not stable yet, Grandmother. This grandson has no time for the them."

"If so..., then, take a good care of the Queen more. Now go and meet the Queen."

(Due to Queen Dowager's order, the King and the Queen were sitting together and drinking tea. This was the first time the two of them sat face to face after that night's incident. The silence between the two became uncomfortable, and the King said......)

"The Queen's face seemed to slim. Are your health really good now?"

"I am really good. It must be because I couldn't sleep these days."

"My Queen......."

"I didn't ask the reason why you suddenly cold again after showing the sign of love. And I will not beg you to accept my love either. Just... allow me to produce an heir."

""My Queen......."

"I am the Queen of this nation. As a wife and as the Queen, let me at least fulfill my duties. And...I urge you to also fulfill your duties as the King of this nation. If you give me your word, I will not question anything else."

"My Queen, this...."

(The king looked at the queen who is pleading with him and began to feel sorry for her. She knows the Queen loved her that much. But how could she make a hire? If the Queen knew the truth about her true identity, would she still be able to love him like this? I am afraid My Queen. I was afraid to face the day when you left my side. (Even I know that it's impossible, but if said I want to keep you by my side, will I be too selfish?)

(Note: What will happen after this? Will the rumor stop? Will the King and the Queen spent the night together?)

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