Chapter (14)_ Delegation to greet envoy

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(The Crown Prince left the Palace to greet the delegation. After the Crown Prince had stood by the Capital's Gate and waited for a while, a group of man gradually approach to the Gate. Even though, the accommodation was well prepared, ---of Ming did not seem satisfied. The Crown Prince try to complied as much as he could because this was the first delegation which was given by her father. She couldn't let her father disappointed to her.

At Night time, The King held a Royal Banquet to greet envoys and the King, Queen, Crown Prince and the important officers were all attend. Meanwhile, for some reason, the Chief Eunuch punched the minister of culture and so the King asked.........)

"What is the meaning of this?"

"There's nothing to be alarmed about. It's just that this man made promises to me that he can't keep."

"I will punish him accordingly once I gather all the facts, so please let your anger subside."

"What is there to investigate and find out? If needed, he can be executed on the spot."

(The Chief Eunuch said this and he pulled the sword out of his bodyguard and put the sword on the neck of the minister. Then, the Crown Prince stood up from her chair and walked near the Chief Eunuch and said......)

"That is enough. You are in the palace of Joseon. His Majesty stated that he'd get to the truth, so let our system take over."

(Then the Crown Prince turn her head to the Minister and said...)

"Leave and await your ruling."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

(When the prince gave the order like that and the Chief Eunuch said...)

"It's interesting ...... even the king did not say anything but the Crown Prince was......"

(When the Chief Eunuch said like that and the Crown Prince said to him...)

"This time it was my father who gave me the responsibility of the mission. Wouldn't it be appropriate to cover a happy evening with blood? I believed that The King of Ming also didn't want the Joseon Palace to be covered with blood during this festival. Isn't that, right?"

(The Chief Eunuch was not satisfied but sat back down without saying anything and everything was back to normal. The Crown prince could only sigh then. The first day was successfully passed, but in the following days the guardian deliberately done difficulty for Crown Prince.

When the Crown Prince eat a meal together with the Chief Eunuch, she saw the Chief Eunuch didn't touch anything and asked....)

"Is there a problem?"

"That'd be my question to you."

"What you served is nothing but waste. What is one supposed to eat?"

"Forgive me. I had ordered the royal kitchen to prepare what you enjoy, but they must not suit your palate."

(The Crown Prince then said to the court maids to prepare the good again and the Chief Eunuch seem suddenly remember a thing and said...)

"Has a decision been made regarding the man who taunted me? His mouth should have been

ripped at the corners to stop him from spewing nonsense."

"The Office of the Inspector General is reviewing the case. He will be severely punished once they come to a ruling, so please let your anger subside."

"How about you just let me deal with him instead? Executing the punishment myself means less work for you."

"Even a man guilty of treason is punished by law and custom. So, I drop this."

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