Chapter (24) Will So-eun Love the King

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(Initially, Lord Shin Young-soo had no intention of returning, but when he saw the secret letter from the King's, he decided to return to Capital, Hanyang. When reporting at Royal Court, Royal Secretariat Yang deliver the king's order. It was....)

"Shin Yeong-su is hereby appointed as Inspector General of the Office of the Inspector General. Do not take your responsibilities lightly, reproach and rectify any wrongdoings, and supervise the officials into seeking the right path."

"I am humbled by your boundless generosity, Your Majesty."

(Thus, after discussion of Royal Court discussion matter, the King summoned Lord Shin Young-soo in private. Then, Lord Shin ask to the King....)

"BULBIBULMYEONG." The bird that stays grounded in silence. Am I to believe it refers to Your Majesty?"

"I take it that the Chief Royal Secretary safely delivered my message."

"Then can I believe what I assumed is correct?"


"Forgive me for saying this, but I do not intend to be a piece in your political games, Your Majesty. It means that I will not always blindly stand beside you. If you take the wrong path, I will be the first to go in the opposite direction. Will that be acceptable?"

"Of course. It is for that reason that I requested your reinstatement. To rectify and reform the court that is in my grandfather's grasp."

(After saying this, the King give a book, DAILY LOG OF CARGO SHIPS, to Lord Shin and said...)

"This proves the Minister of Taxation's illegal activities. It will be the first matter you investigate as Inspector General. And Scribe Jung. What you just heard......"

"Fret not, Your Majesty, for I left it all out."

(The emperor nodded in acknowledgment when Scribe Jung answered. Then, the King went to the Royal Lecture Room to study. On the way back to Grand Palace, after taking lecture, the King unexpectedly saw Shin So-eun. And...)

"So-eun, you..."

"Your Majesty."

"I heard that you came back together with the Inspector General, but what brings you to the Palace?

"Her Majesty invited me and I am now just come back..."

"The Queen...."

"We are close friend before the Queen married Your Majesty."

"I see."

"I am deeply indebted to you for everything you have done for me."

"Don't mention it. It is not because of you."

(While they are saying, the ball which was kicked by young eunuchs was about to hit So-eun and the King quickly protect her. So, the ball was hit to the King instead of Shin So-eun. When the Court maids see this, everyone are amazed and couldn't think properly. Their King who is famous with his name Five-Step Prince, Ice Prince actually protect that Lady. It is really something... but the King pretend that she didn't notice everyone gaze and said....)

"Do you get hurt, So-eun?"

"No, Your Majesty, what about actually..."

"I am fine. Don't worry."

(The Queen who was running to give some snack to So-eun saw all the story. The Queen couldn't decide whether she go or not, and finally she just stood where she it. And she thinks...You couldn't love me is because of her, Your Majesty. You still couldn't move on and still love her.

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