Chapter (29)

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(When the King returned to the palace, he noticed that his room was full of flowers and so she asked to Court Lady Kim......)

"Court Lady Kim.... these flowers are..."

"These are given by the Her Majesty, the Queen at noon..."

"Ah, is that much?"

"Yeah, that much, Your Majesty. I think your method is not useful. The Queen's love for you is still strong and not changed."

"This... is a headache...Why does she love me so much? And, these flowers and peaches...Why she suddenly gives it to me? And who said, I like these?"

"I heard that the Queen had summoned Prince Jae-un and Scribe Jung, Your Majesty."

"The Queen summoned Prince Jaeun and Scribe Jung..Why?"

"I heard that Her Majesty, the Queen asked them about your hobbies and what you like to serve you."

"But why these flowers and peaches...Ah...Did they intentionally say wrong thing, didn't they?

"I think so Your Majesty."

"What's wrong with them...Court Lady Kim."

"I am at your service, Your Majesty."

"Please let the Queen know some of my favorite."


"Anyway, it's better to know than making mistake, isn't it?"

"Yes, Your Majesty... I will do. Now it is getting late, I will prepare bed for you."


(In the early morning, as usual, the King had to attend morning court assembly and issue some orders which is ordered by his grandfather. After that, the King has free time and asked to Chief Eunuchs....)

"Bok-dong, what is schedule for today?"

"Your Majesty, didn't you tell me to go and check out Sungkyunkwan Academy today?"

"It is today, well, let's go."

(Thus, the King disguised himself as normal citizen and came to the Sungkyunkwan. Her grandfather did not allow her to do important political affairs, but allowed to do small things like that. Otherwise, it would not make sense for her to be king. When the King came near Sungkyunkwan, she saw a young man trying to climb over a school wall. And the young man saw them too and he call the King...)

"Look... here... here... What are you doing? Come and help me, please..."

"You call us..."

"Yes, quickly..."

(When Kim Ga-on looked at the King, the King nodded and so he went and asked...)

"What's the problem?"

"Can you give me a hand?"

(After coming down with the help of Kim Ga-on, he said.....)

"Why did they build their walls so high? The only thing to steal there are books anyway! Don't you agree? In any case, thank you. Go on your way now."

(He said that and left, so Kim Ga-on asked....)

"Your Majesty, he looks like a scholar from the Academy. Will you allow him to leave?"

"Let him be. If he's escaping now, he has no interest in studying."

(The King said this and entered to the Sungkyunkwan. Then she orders the professors to give answer sheets of scholars of his Question. The King checked and she saw one answer sheet is exceptionally good, so...)

The King's Affection (Fanfiction)_EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now