Chapter (15) Selection Process of Crown Princess

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(Shortly after the diplomats left, the Crown Princess Selection was beginning. The young ladies from different noble family were nominated, including Noh Ha-kyung, youngest daughter of the Minister of Military Affairs who work for Lord Sangheon and Shin So-eun, only child of the Minister of Personnel, who serve the King. So, in the court, it was the hottest topic to discuss which of the two girls would be the Crown Princess. According to her father suggestion, Crown Prince went to Minister of Personnel's house. unexpectedly, Crown Prince and Shin So-eun met at the front gate of the house and the Prince said....)

"You are...."

"Young Lord, why are you here?"

(Then, Shin So-eun invited the Crown Prince into her house and prepare tea set and served. The Crown Prince taken the first sip and said...)

"Had I known that we would meet again, I wouldn't have lied about my identity that day. I think, I should reintroduce myself. I am Crown Prince of this Nation. I apologize if you are surprised."

"No, Your Royal Highness. Please forgive me if I offended you in any way."

"It is not your fault, so, that brush was for Minister?"

"Please forgive me Your Royal Highness, I didn't know and I even dare to request that from you..."

"It does not matter. If that brush was in the hand of Minister, it can be a tool of Justice. It is better than in my hand."

"Your Royal Highness, why are you here? My father hasn't come home from his post at the Ministry of Personnel."

"I'm aware. I didn't come here to see your father. I came to see you."

"Me? Why?"

"It's a cool day. Would you like to accompany me for a walk?"

(The two together walking in the backyard.)

"When you were young, what kind of husband did you dream of?"


"When I was ten and standing under a pine tree in the backyard at the palace...I dreamed of someone brave who would come to me even if the path was long and full of thorns and bumps. Even though, I know, this is too sudden for you. I'm here to ask you if you would be so kind as to walk that path."

"I'm not sure if I could meet the expectations. And...."

"Do you have feelings for someone else?"

"Please forgive me."

"As I came all the way here, I don't think I can give up that easily. We'll meet again soon."


"Don't worry too much ......If you are really in love with someone with your whole heart, I will not force you. However, I also have the right to try, doesn't it?"

(The prince said that and turned away. Then, she said to herself that.... I am sorry. I don't know if my action was right. But I think, I understood the meaning of if I would like to protect the thousands, I would have to give up some. It's a pity for you to become my Crown Princess, but I must marry you to protect the people around me. I'm sorry....

While the Crown Prince thought and apologized to Shin So-eun in her mind, a girl suddenly appeared in her thought.

Why she appeared in my thought? Will she also be one of Candidate? Hwi..are you Crazy? Why you think like that? Whether she participate or not is none of your business.

The Prince cut off her thought and returned to the Palace.

While the Crown Prince was reading in her room, she heard a loud noise outside and so, she leaves the room to see what was happening. Court Lady Kim saw the Prince and said....)

"One of the court maids must have had a dizzy spell. Please don't mind her and head back to your chambers."

"Take her to her chambers and have a physician look at her."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

"And you all, take a rest tonight."

"But Your Royal Highness... that can't be allowed."

"Yes, it can."

"As your wish Your Royal Highness."

(Then Court Lady Kim ordered to court maids that....)

"You all go and rest, only I and eunuch Hong will stay and guard the chamber tonight."

"You too should rest Court Lady Kim."

"It can't be. Your Royal Highness...."

"This...Court Lady Kim..."

"Your Royal Highnes..."

"Ok..Ok.. do whatever you want..."

(When the prince said that and returned to her chamber, Court Lady Kim smiled. Although the Crown Prince was pretended to be cold and stubborn, she is actually a warm-hearted person. Perhaps, she may be the most warm-hearted person in the world.

When Court Lady Kim prepared tea for the prince and serve, she saw the Crown Prince was gazing somewhere while holding the book. So, she asked...)

"Are you thinking of selection of Crown Princess?"

"Court Lady Kim. Did I bother the girl? Am I too selfish?"

"She will become Crown Princess, who will also become the Queen in one day. That's enough for a girl..."

"But...I can't give her a happy family."

"Your Royal Highness, there is a saying in Ming, to share a pillow, you have to do a hundred good deeds together. In any case, the Crown Princess can be said to be destiny with you because out of many noble families, she was chosen. wasn't she?"

"What kind of destiny is it to become my Crown Princess?"

"Don't think too much Your Royal Highness. It is getting late and I will help you to bed."

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