Chapter (10)_Kim Ga-on

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(In the next morning, the prince came out of his quarter and see that a young man who is surrounded by court maids of his quarter. The Prince give a questionable look to Court Lady Kim and Eunuch Hong, they seem confuse too and shake their head to describe they also didn't know. Therefore, the prince looks the young man again... and this young man said that...)

"My name is Kim Ga-on. I will be your bodyguard starting today."

"A bodyguard? So, what was your previous assignment?"

"I was an elite soldier in the army."

"I see. Kim Ga-on, which side are you from, my grandmother, my father or my grandfather?"

"None of the above. I am only here to fulfill my duty of guarding you, Your Royal Highness.

"Huh... you have silver-tongued. Since you serve me, there are few rules you must follow. Especially, when you are guarding me, you must be at least five steps away from me. The others rule will be explained by Eunuch Hong."

(The prince said like that and go to the Royal Study Quarter. When the Prince arrive, she noticed that the Royal Tutor is already there. Royal Tutor saw the Prince come in and so he give his respect and said...)

"I will be your tutor starting from today. I am Royal Preceptor Jung Ji-un."

"I told you I wouldn't be lenient with you if we ever met again. Have you forgotten it?

How could I forget?"

"However, I cannot disobey a royal command. Please forgive what I did that day. Now, let us begin."

"I do not know why you want to be my tutor, but to become my tutor is not as easy as you might think. Today I have to ask your help. As my knowledge is limited, I am struggling to understand some book on my own. I would like you to transcribe some with footnote."

"Sure, why not, it is my job."

"Will it take time to transcribe?"

"It doesn't take long; I can be finished within today, Your Highness."

"Are you sure, I think you need more time."

"I am sure, one day is enough."

"If so.... Bok-dong...."

(When the prince said above, Bok-dong bring a pile of book. When Jung Ji-un saw this pile of books, he asked to the prince...)

"Your Highness, you mean...every single book here?"

"Why? Is that a problem? I remember, you said that you can finish within today. So, please transcribe."

(The prince asked Jung Ji-un to transcribe and he himself was reading a book during lecture time. After the class was finished, Royal Tutor Jung carry all books to his won desk and start the transcribe again. All the officers in the Royal Institute saw these conditions and they know that Royal Tutor Jung already get on the Crown Prince's bad side at the very first day.

For the Prince side, after her lecture time with other tutors also, she had to undergo military training. After that, she returned to her Quarter and got ready to take a bath and she feel uneasy when suddenly she remembers that she got a bodyguard today and that guy will also guard her bathroom door. Court Lady Kim also worry and said to the Crown Prince that...)

"Your Highness, maybe it will be a good idea to skip your bath tonight."

"No, it's not just today he will be guarding my chambers, so I can't avoid him forever."

"You are right, Your Highness."

(When the prince arrived at the bathroom, Kim Ga-on was waiting near the door, Court Lady Kim was waiting in front of the door. While the prince was taking off her robe to take a bath, she smelled something unusual than usual. Therefore, she stops taking off and prepare to look around. At the same time, Kim Ga-on suddenly opened the door and pulled out his sword and approached to the Crown Prince and therefore, the prince prepares to defense herself. However, Kim Ga-on just cut off the canopy that covered the bathtub. Behind that canopy, there is a young woman wearing only a thin underwear and hold a small censer. Kim Ga-on put the sword on that woman's neck, and Court Lady Kim also asked to that young woman......)

"What on earth are you doing in here?"

"Well, an incense that elevates a man's vigor... I mean, this was only to help you regain your strength and energy..."

(When Court Lady Kim here that she said angrily that...)

"How dare you! Who gave you this preposterous order?"

"Well... I deserve to die! It was, in fact, Lord Changun (Prince Changwoon) who gave the order. He said it would get me in Your Royal Highness' favor."

(When the Prince heard that she had a headache. How could his uncle suspect him? Or rather than suspecting the prince as a girl, do her uncle doubt that she can't lift that? In the next morning, word spread that the Prince Changwoon had put a girl in the Crown Prince bathroom. And as a result, Prince Changwoon had been placed under house arrest.

(Note: What will happen after this inccident?)

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