Chapter (37) Confessed under the Moon Light

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(When the morning court was over, Left Minister Lord Sangheon came in privately, and so His Majesty asked him that....)

"You came so hurry after the court is over, is it because you have urgent case?

"How do the rumors in the palace come about, Your Majesty?"

"Did grandpa pay attention to the gossip of the courtiers?"

"Such rumors will harm you, Your Majesty. It would be good to remove the royal scriber from his position."

"Grandpa, is it not normal that the royal scriber close to the King? Since ancient time, all are like this and I don't know how these rumors came out of my turn. I can't get rid of Royal Scriber Jung for nothing but gossip."

"Isn't this because you always put some distance with the Queen, Your Majesty?" Even though it's been over a year since married, we still haven't heard any good news. And so, all the ministers are worry about the heir."

"This is my family issue. And I am still young, so there is no need to worry about my successor."

"If that is the case, please issue Decree to marry Scriber Jung Ji un and Shin So-eun."

"What are you saying? It is impossible."

"Why not? Is it because you haven't forgotten that Girl? If you make distance with the Queen because of her, I am afraid that you should give up that thought. There is no way to become your Consort as she is the daughter of Shin Young soo."


"Don't forget that your promise that you don't interfere anything in Political. If you really didn't like the Queen, you can choose Consort and Combine as your wish. However, please be note that Shin So-eun is not included. And please issues Decree at tomorrow morning court."

(When his grandfather said that and left, the King clenched his fists tightly. How stupid he, he couldn't do anything. Fortunately, So-un has a crush on Royal Scriber Jung. If not, he's going to hurt a girl. After the King thought for a long time and then...)


"Yes, your Majesty."

"Summon Inspector General Shin Yong-Soo."

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

(Not long after that, the Inspector General came to pay his respects, the King said that...)

"I think, you also heard the rumor in the palace..."

"This is.... who dares to spread such kind of rumor?"

"It is not important who spread this rumor since it is already spread. This is my negligence, Royal Scriber Jung responsible to report everything about secrete mission and so he always stays late at night and just two of us. May be because of this, that kind of rumor spread."

"Secrete Mission...."

"It was reported that the Lord Sangheon organized a group of soldiers secretly in Yeo-yeon."

"Your Majesty. This...this is.... how could you tell me such a shocking secrete."

"The late King once told me that if you could trust someone in this palace, it should be you, Inspector General. At first, I secretly investigated it myself and gave it to you when there is strong evidence, but now......I think I have to let Scriber Jung out of this job for a while. Is there someone in your mind who suitable for this position?"

"Then......I think it would be appropriate for the Park Ji-won who was choose by you in this year exam, Your Majesty."

"Park Ji-won, yes, how can I forget about him. There is no one suitable than him about this position. Let him meet with Chief Commander Yoon, he will explain everything he should know."

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