Chapter (30)

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(When the King returned to the palace and as usual Court Lady Kim help the King to took off her clothes, then, she noticed that...the King cloth was different. When the King left, she wore only plain clothes and now is wearing a noble man clothes. And the most important is this costume never exist in the King's belonging. Therefore...)

"Your Majesty, this suit is .."

"Ah .. So-eun gave it to me."


"Why Court Lady Kim, are there any problem?"

"Your Majesty, do you know what it means for a girl to give a boy a cloth as a gift?"

"Ah, it doesn't matter. Don't worry. The only man in Lady So-eun herth is Scribe Jung. Not me. And I just separate from Bok-dong and there is no money, so Lady So-eun help me with this. Just simple."

"Pardon Your Majesty. Separated? How dare he let to happen this."

"Ah ...Court Lady Kim, it is my fault. Don't blame him."

"Your Majesty...

"Please ...I promise not to let you know about this accident. Please!"

"Your Majesty, you are...ok. I don't blame him this time. But if happen again, I will not waive him. Now, please let me prepare for your dinner. It is quite late now."

"No need. I already ate."

"Your Majesty, why are you eating out? You don't know if it's clean or not. And then...."

"I think it is ok. Common people are eating, aren't they? And since So-eun also ate, nothing will happen."

"Your Majesty, you eat together with Lady So-eun?"

"Yes. I think it is no problem."

"Your Majesty, it's not good to see her so often. If you get too close...You are too handsome and if something unexpected happen, it is not good for both."

"I didn't see her often. It is just coincidence. And rest assured...she even rejected me when she was choosing as crown princess. I don't think she want to be concubine now. So, do not worry too much."

(Court Lady Kim looked at the king. Your Majesty... Your Majesty, why are you so handsome? Did you know that there are many court maids who want your attention? And a lady give cloth to you, it seems unusual. And you two even ate together... Your Majesty, do you know that. When a girl is not in love, she can give up even if it is the Queen Position, but if the girl is fall in love, she can don't care even if it is to become concubine. Court Lady Kim just let out a sigh. So....)

"Don't think too much and don't worry. It is just friendship between us."

(After that, the King was start to read some scroll. Not so long, Court Lady Kim request that...)

"Your Majesty... Her Majesty, the Queen request to see you."

"Let her in."

"Your Majesty."

"Please sit my Queen. What take you here?"

"I made some cookie for you to enjoy while reading."

"Can my Queen make cookie?"

"I did it because I wanted to do something for you, but this is the first time for me. So, it wasn't very pretty. But I hope it tastes will good."

(When the king opened the box that the queen had brought, he saw some cookies which appearance is not so pretty, as the Queen had said, but found a set of colorful cookies...)

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