Chapter (5) Jung Ji-un

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(Soon the Prince's Birthday came and the Royal Ceremony was held. The head of this ceremony is His Highness, the Crown Prince and Her Highness the Crown Princess. The royal relatives and officials also attended and were entertained by yeoryeong (female entertainers).

At the birthday banquet, royal family members and officials give their greet and the gift to prince one by one. Fortunately, the prince study all the records of the royal family members and important officials after happening the accident of Prince Jaeun. So, she can recognize the person who greet her. Eunuch Hong also help her by whispering who they are. When one royal member approach eunuch Hong whisper that... "He is the brother of the King and son of Queen Consort An, Lord Hyeonun."

Lord Hyeonun give his greet and gift to Prince and said...

Congratulation, Your Highness.

After he left, the two prince approach and eunuch Hong whisper again that... "They are the sons of the late Prince Dohyeon, Prince Wonsan and Prince Jaeun respectively. You met him before."

Prince Wonsan said that "Congratulations."

Thank you.

The Prince Jaeun also said that " I hope you aren't confused today, it's me Hyun."

I was merely goofing around that day.

After royal family greeting, the prince grandfather Lord Sangheon greet the prince. When Lord Sangheon come near to the prince, the Crown Princess, Royal Bodyguard Yoon and Court Lady Kim were watching anxiously. Lord Sangheon said...

Congratulations. The fine weather must be a proof of the everything on the Earth is celebrating your birthday.

Thank you.

It is a true honor to witness such magnificent growth in you. Please remember that the fate of Joseon solely relies on you. I will devote my life to serving to you just as I have been doing so far.

(While his grandfather was saying this, the prince remembered what had happened that night. That night, his grandfather thought that the death body was her and told to her mother crown princess that "It is my understanding that you have the girl's body. Everything I am doing is for you and our family's sake. Find it in your heart to let this go." Did her grandfather tell her who was sentenced to death because she being born as a girl that the future of the country depends on her? How funny it was!

After ceremony, the prince has to see others who pay their respect at his quarter. She really feel tired and unwell. So that eunuch Hong said that .....

You received enough guests for today. It is best we stop here now.

I can Handle it.

(At the same time, The court Lady Kim announced that....)

The son of Jung Seok-jo, an inspector at the Office of the Inspector General, ask to have an audience with you, His Highness.

Let him in.

(After saying that, he looked at the entrance and saw his friend Jung Ji-un. So, He quickly lowered the curtain and sat down behind it.)

My name is Jung Ji-un, the son of Inspector Jung Seok-jo at the Office of the Inspector General. Thank you for granting me a private audience with you.

(The prince was stunned when he heard that. Was the son of the man who killed her brother was his friend? Why? Why like this?)

I heard that your birthday is today. This may sound impudent, but after hearing about how excellent you are from a girl I knew, I wanted to meet you in person and wish you a happy birthday. From what she told me, you aren't authoritative or arrogant, but a generous prince with a loving heart for his subjects. So ever since that day, I have been hoping that one day, I would be able to serve you by your side.

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