𝟏𝟐. little girl

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chapter twelve : little girl
{ season two - episode one }

chapter twelve : little girl{ season two - episode one }

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THE THOUGHT OF a young girl roaming around the woods, struggling to find her way back to her mother, was all that was running through Kloe's mind. A twelve-year-old girl was by herself, dodging every walker that spotted her. There was also another thought; the mother. The mother of the girl had stained tears on her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy from all the worry.

Kloe's legs swung back and forth while she sat on a pale yellow car's hood. She watched everybody run around, sorting things out; doing their chores. Shane had given her the chore of cooping out supplies from a section of cars, but she was speedy and finished it quickly.

"Why aren't we all out there looking?" Carol asked, stepping closer to an occupied Dale, "Why are we moving cars?" Even from a distance, Kloe could hear the worry and sadness in Carol's voice.

Dale lifted his chin and looked across at her, "We have to clear enough room so I can get the RV turned around as soon as it's running. Now that we have fuel, we can double back to a bypass that Glenn flagged up on the map."

The younger Schmidt glanced up, noticing everyone making their way towards the RV with supplies and whatnots. She quickly hopped off the car hood, her bow tightly in the palm of her hand, and made her way towards them too.

Shane appeared from one of the cars and looked at the two. "Going back's going to be easier than trying to get through this mess." Kloe's head subconsciously turned to the group again as they stumbled closer. Lori had a basket of supplies that she had found from the cars, her son directly next to her. A few meters behind, Glenn and Andrea walked by; Glenn had nothing, but Andrea had a basket full of supplies just like Lori did.

"We're not going anywhere till my daughter gets back," Carol calmly remarked. Kloe felt her heart shatter, all she wanted was to try and look for the girl. In her torn apart heart was a mix of anger and sorrow. She was angry that everyone in this group was thinking about leaving already, while Carol, Rick, Daryl and her thought otherwise.

"Hey, that goes without saying," Lori calmly rubbed the woman's shoulder with her hand, comfortingly nodding.

"Look, Rick and Daryl, they're on it, okay?" Shane reassured, his eyebrows weren't raised for once. And for the first time; he didn't look intimidating and instead looked calm. "Just a matter of time."

Just as Kloe was about to go back to sitting on the car hood, Glenn and Andrea stepped over. "Can't be soon enough for me," Andrea tossed over a filled up plastic water bottle to Glenn, who caught it with one hand and examined it. "I'm still freaked out from that herd that passed us by," she twisted the bottle cap and brought it to her dry lips, "or whatever you call it."

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