𝟒𝟎. held hostage

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chapter forty : held hostage
{ season three - episode seven }

chapter forty : held hostage{ season three - episode seven }

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THE LONG WEAPON that was on Merle's replaced hand dragged across the wooden table that was in front of Glenn, who was tied to the chair. Both him and Kloe were thrown into separate rooms, yet the walls were extremely thin. Everything that happened in each other's rooms, they could always hear it, and they couldn't do anything about it.

Merle Dixon scraped the edge of the table as he harshly stood beside the Korean, staring down at him. Glenn stared into the air, sweat dripping down his forehead from the heat and fear. Not just for him, but for his girlfriend who was in the room next to him.

"You don't even know why you're here, do you?" Merle asked him, clenching his jaw as he looked down at him with that smug look of his. "I didn't mean you no harm. I lowered my gun, but you raised yours. You and Kloe were just a pair of assholes out there, just like you were on that rooftop back there in Atlanta. What y'all did, leaving me up there... People wouldn't do that to an animal."

Glenn glared up at Merle. "We went back for you," he stated, barely above a whisper. Kloe bit into her cheek as she listened in. It sounded like they were in the same room. Not being able to see what Merle might've done made her scared.

"Ain't you thoughtful."

"We did, all of us. Rick, Daryl, Zayn, T-Dog," Glenn listed, making one side of Merle's lip tilt up into a smirk at the sound of the final name Glenn stated.

"Mmm, T-Dog," he hummed. "Yeah, big ol' spear-chucker, the one I was pleading with. Mhm, the one that dropped the key. Tell me where he's at. I'm sure T-Dog would like to bury the hatchet, let bygones be bygones."

Glenn tensed as he thought about T-Dog. "He didn't make it," he answered, avoiding eye contact with the Dixon.

Merle leaned forward, inching closer to Glenn's face. "Well, I hope he went slow." Kloe's jaw clenched as she glared at the wall, wanting nothing but to shut Merle up. "Yeah. How about the rest? Hm?" He sat on the edge of the wooden table, staring down at Glenn without batting an eyelid. "How about my baby brother? You can't tell me he's alive and then hold off on where he is." Merle waited for an answer, but Glenn only stayed quiet. "No?" He asked, but noticed Glenn briefly looked at the wall that had Kloe on the other side. "Well, maybe Klo-Klo will help me out," he forcefully smiled.

Kloe's chest heaved up and down as she stared down at the ground beneath the wall. Glenn glared up at the man who only smirked at him. "Yeah, I know you two would get together. We all did. But, hey, tell me something, when she's scared, and she's holding you close, and her trembling skin is close to you," Merle traced his blade harshly against Glenn's cheek, making him swallow thickly, "her soft lips are touching you here, all over here, and over here... Huh? Feels good, don't it?"

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