Chapter One

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I ran through the forest, feeling the wind in my ears and I loving it. I was almost sad when I had to stop as I had arrived at my small, camp set up. I picked up the two small birds that were in my pockets and threw them into an empty pot beside me, quickly making a fire and setting the pot on top of the fire.

My panting started forming into a normal breathing pace and my heartbeat stopped pounding out of my chest. I closed my eyes and smiled, leaning back against a tree and thinking about how lucky I was to find this place. 

I heard movement behind me and I opened my eyes, looking behind me curiously. It wasn't a surprise when my small beagle trotted out.

Yes, I am out in the forest and I have brought my dog. I got her when I was four and named her Ginger. At the time I thought it was good, but I wish it wasn't so... common. When I was eleven, my parents banished me fro our house, heaven knows why. I only had one bag at the time and was only able to bring what I could keep in that bag. I was lucky to find with forest, a few hundred hectares wide.

I loved my parents to death and ever since I arrived out here I have thoughts for hours and hours on why they might have sent me away. It was the last thing I thought they would ever do, but I guess I have kind of gotten over it.

It seemed like something from a movie, something not real, but I was forced to pack and get the hell out of there. I thought it a little foolish that I went to a FOREST, but when I actually realised that, it was too late to go.

Anyway, I had packed the usual stuff you might need for camping, and some other things too, such as I small sword that hung from my parents bedroom wall. As I left, Ginger had come along like any mindless dog would. She's an old, lazy but can seem to take care of herself, so she goes off to wherever, coming back nearly every night to me. I love her , but if she sadly did pass away somehow, it wouldn't phase me too much.

I have been out here for four years now and am 15 so now I'm mostly used to the area. I laugh at the irony of how my name is Atalanta, after the Greek Warrior, as I am like her in some ways. I'm a virgin, but that's not much to say since I am only 15, but I was abandoned, I'm quite strong (not modest in any way shape or form) but I do wish I was loved by a hero like her. In my dreams is the only way that could actually happen.

Now you know my whole life story before I came out here. Good for you.

Anyway, I coaxed Ginger over to me but she only went to the pot as the smell of the nearly cooked birds wavered in the air. She sat obediently but I ignored her and scowled as I looked at her full stomach. As I waited for the birds to cook, I stood up to look for a few other things.

I held my sword over my shoulder casually as I walked slowly through the mess of tree. I was craving for some fruit and berries. I went to the a usually place to get the berries, which is a bunch of bushes about a quarter of a mile from where I've set up my camp.

I don't usually move my set-ups. Change isn't really my thing. I've moved three times, but they really weren't far from each other, so you really could say that I don't move.

Fruit, fruit, fruitI thought as I stumbled around, trying to find any trees with any types of fruit on them. I knew my bird was ready by now so sadly, I gave up my hunt and walked back to my camp with a few handfuls of berries.

I sat down on the ground to find that my dog had already seemed to see they were ready, as she was busily gobbling up one of the bird's that I found. I scolded her and snatched the other bird from the pot.

I angrily took big chunks of mine to only finish a few minutes later before shoving the berries in my mouth . I gave Ginger a glare before jogging down to a small pond which was a few hundred metres from my camp. Surprisingly, there were no animals around the water so it was quite clean. It looked amazing in the sunset. I jumped in as I gave myself a quick wash-over before jumped back out and wringing my clothes out before sprinting back. Hey, just because I'm a stupid forest person, doesn't mean I think I don't have to bathe.

I made my way over to my bed, which was pretty much just a bunch of clovers spread high across the ground with a HUGE piece of paper bark as my blanket, though I didn't usually use it. I stared at the sky until it became dark and I started drifting off.

I woke up that night, to a growling noise next to me. drool was dribbling over my face, as the creature hung over me, ready to dig my eyes out. it was too dark to see it's face, but by it's figure and growling, I knew what it was all too well.

A panther.

I as soon as I moved, it lunged at me. It's claw cut across my arm, which slowly started bleeding. I saw Ginger out of the corner of my eye, growling and nipping at it's heels.

I grabbed my sword and blocked the panther's next pounce. It felt to the floor, after the blow of the side of my sword. I stabbed my sword into it's heart, and it died instantly.

I get used to killing animals like that out hear, but I still hate it and the smell's not that good either.

I then ran up to Ginger, looking all over her for any marks. Nothing. I thought as I finished my search.

I then looked over at my arm. It was covered in blood now and was hurting like hell. Oh crap! I thought as I grabbed a bandage from my first aid kit and wrapped it tightly around the wound. I then crawled back into my 'bed', where Ginger had snuggled, and went back to sleep, slowly.

I woke up the next morning and took a quick glance at my watch. i then did a double take. 7:30? in the morning? i've slept in! i thought. i jumped out and threw on another change of clothes.

Now, i know what your thinking. 7:30 isn't much of a sleep in. but in the forest, if your asleep, you are eaten! Okay, exaggeration, but anyway, I then went down to the pond and freshened up a bit.

I was walking back to camp for some fruit that I missed out on yesterday, when a heard a voice. "What's a girl like you doing in these part of the woods?" I spun around.

It was a boy.

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