Chapter Sixteen

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Kyu's legs buckled as she flung herself on Castro's chest as she sobbed. 

I knelt beside Castro, trying to find the right words to speak. "It-it's okay Kyu. He-he'll wake up soon and he'll be fine. You don't have to worry!" 

"You don't get it!" Kyu hissed. "Wild's blood has little specks in it that makes them evil! When a Groom sucks and drinks their blood, it always does something! Castro drank it all, meaning it is very much possible he could come as evil as a Wild! That's only if the Wild he got it from is healthy other otherwise it would be too...." Her voice trailed off as she lied down on Castro's stomach.

I stared at Kyu, speechless. She looked up at me and as if almost reading my mind, she answered all my thoughts. 

"When he wakes up he will be quite weak and if the Wild was healthy, he will afterwards become stronger and will start acting way different, like he is a completely different vampire! You can try and change him a little, but it's very hard. Just if you were wondering, I know all this from training, they explain it all." 

I slowly nodded, processing what she said. We sat there in silence until I asked, "So what should we do?" 

She thought about it for a second. "He won't become any stronger then he is now, but maybe when he is at that weak stage we can try our best t convince him who he is. If you think that's a bad plan we can always run and-" She choked as she let out a sob. "Leave him to find who he is, where he will most likely g to the other Wilds and have the life literally sucked..." She waited a moment until she could speak again. "Out of him."

"Lets stay," I said immediately. "It's the least we could do you all he's done for us." Kyu nodded and I gave her a small side hug. "We'll bring him back."

I couldn't help but thinking that she was the reason this happened, since he risked himself for her, but I have a feeling she knew that because she looked horrible.

I heard quick footsteps off to my side and I swiped my dagger off the ground, jumping up and readying myself. Kyu didn't seem to notice as she sat there, stroking Castro's hair and silently crying.

Jinx jumped out and I sighed in relief. He looked down at Castro and Kyu and looked back up at me, his brow furrowed. "What the hell!?" he shouted.

I took a step backwards. "We were attacked by Wilds and Castro drank one's blood to save Kyu," I replied in a low voice.

Jinx looked down at Kyu his eyes full of fury. "So it's your fault! YOU made my brother do this! We should have never trusted you!" He threw his gun on the ground and bared his fangs, walking towards Kyu with his claws out.

"Jinx stop!" I shouted. He didn't seem to hear me as he appeared in front of Kyu. She scrambled backwards on all fours, shouting things that him. 

I sprinted forwards at grabbed Jinx by the shoulders to try and hold him back, but he shook my off and continued after Kyu. I walked in front of jinx and pushed him back, but he only shoved me off to the side.

"Atalanta!! Please help me!" Kyu shouted as her back smashed into the back of a tree. She started sobbing as she kicked the dirt in front of her in a panick.

I jumped back and looked around. I looked at the dagger in my hand. I hated to do it, but I ran behind Jinx and stuck the side of the dagger at the front of his neck. "Jinx listen to me! Castro knew what would happen and he doesn't blame anyone!" 

"Yeah I DO blame someone! And that's her! She was always just a nusence! She is the reason he did it, with all her cuteness and flirting! It is her fault!"  He tried to shove the blade off but I held it still, trying not to dig it too hard into his throat.

"I hate her just as much as you do but I don't go killing anyone I hate!" 

"What!?" Kyu shouted.

"Shut up, saving your life here!" I shouted back. I quickly spun Jinx around so he was facing me and stared him down.

 "Please Atalanta!" He whispered. "It's her fault that Castro will never be the same!" 

I considered it, but slowly shook my head. "You know you'll regret it afterwards, and she'll only regenerte and come back!" 

"But that's WHY I want to do it!" I shook my head and he sighed. "Fine then." 

I slowly took my hands off his shoulders and turned around, giving Kyu a thumbs-ups. She sighed in relief and mouthed to be her thanks.

I nodded as I turned back to Jinx, who walked slowly around me and picked up his pistol and stuffing it in his pocket.

"Oi Kyu!" Kyu looked up at Jinx, her eyes showing how alarmed she was. "Find a better spear. That one is useless, especially if you're fighting a Wild." Kyu nodded frantically as Jinx turned back to me, smirking.

"When you scare her to pieces like I did, you know that you'll turn into the alpha male!" I chuckled as I gave him a playful shove.

"Yeah right Jinx, now come on, lets go sit beside Castro to wait for him to wake up," I replied, walking over to Castro and kneeling beside him as Kyu crawled up beside me. 

"Thanks for that Atalanta," Kyu said. "I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you!"  nodded nd started brushing the hair out of Castro's eyes as Jinx came and squished in between Kyu and I, putting his arms around both of us.

Kyu stared up at him, not really sure what to do, until I mouthed to her a 1, 2, 3.

We both clashed our shoulders into him and he scoffed, falling backwards. Kyu and I started laughing as Jinx sat up, his face not amused.

"You know you'll pay for that at some point. I gave him a cocky smile before string down at Castro.

"Uhh guys. I think that Castro's-" 

"Stirring!" Kyu finished as Castro's eyes fluttered open.

A/N: I hope you liked it, reader! I wanted to tally this. Who here like Kyu? Answer in the comments please! I really want to try and get this story finished first and that is why I deleted my other stories. But I do have another Idea for a story. Should I still do the idea?

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