Chapter Seventeen

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Castro looked like he was about to go back to sleep until Kyu pulled him up so that he was in a sitting position.

"What's your name?" Jinx asked him quickly.

"I know my own name. It's Castro," He replied weakly.

What breed of vampire are you?" Kyu asked him, seeming to get straight to the point.

"I-I think I'm both. That's it! I'm a Wild, stuck inside a Groom's body!" Castro asked, his eyes brightening.

Jinx looked sadly at me while Kyu had a desperate look, like she wanted me to say something. "Castro, you are not a Wild at all. You are and always have been full Groom. You don't remember any of us?" I asked.

He had a long, deep think. "I do. You are Atalanta, that's Jinx and that's... Kyu!" he said, smiling as he said Kyu's name.

"What else do you remember about us?" I replied. 

He suddenly looked up, his face full of fury. He slowly stood up "You guys..." He said, pointing his finger accusingly. "You guys are full grooms! You're trying to stop me aren't you? Tell me that wrong truth!" 

Kyu jumped up. "No, Castro! We were fighting a Wild and to save me, you sucked his blood for me! Now you think you are a Wild!" 

"No lies!" Castro shouted, slashing Kyu across the face. I gasped as Kyu started caressing her cheek, tears falling from her eyes. Castro shoved her to the ground and looked over at Jinx.

"Any of you two gonna take me on? Come for me," He said, angry but ready.

Jinx jumped up immediately and punched his brother square in the face. Castor doubled over and held his nose, before quickly raising his head and pouncing on Jinx. 

The scrambled around on the floor, throwing punched and dodging blows. I felt like I should have stepped in, but I guess it was just another brotherly rough-up.

I sat on the side, shouting out to Jinx where Castro was throwing or punching and it seemed to help him, so I kept it up, until Castro finally got him hard in the temple. Jinx fell backwards and Castro started punching him whenever he could. And that is when I jumped in.

I flew over to them and head-butted Castro onto the floor. He seemed only dazed but I used the moment to check on Jinx.

"Jinx? Can you hear me?" I asked him, panting.

He started groaning and coughing, but gave me a reassuring nod. I told him to stay on the side while I had a try at Castro, but he would  not go. Not because he couldn't, but because he didn't want to leave me.

"I'll be fine, trust me! NOW GO!" I shouted. He hesitated before cautiously walking over to Kyu who started checking over him.

Just in time. Castro was just slowly standing up when I was ready. I tried to kick his knee but he easily dodged and quickly shot me in the side. I felt winded but just dodged his next punch just as his claws and fangs grew out.

"Atalanta! His fangs! Get the hell out of there!" I heard Kyu shout. I did as she said and sprinted back to them where I gave Jinx a hand up onto his feet.

"Any other plans?" Jinx asked.

"Jinx, we had the idea of staying for him, so now it's your go!" I exclaimed. 

He glared at me before Kyu's face brightened up.

"No! I have an idea!" She said. "Just trust me in this, give me a few minutes!" She turned around where Castro had a bored expression as he played with his fangs.

As Castro looked up at us, Kyu flashing him a smile and skipping up to him. Jinx and I exchanged a look that said we agreed on one thing, that there is no way we can trust her that she'll succeed in this.

I turned back to Kyu and Castro. Kyu had her hand on his arm and was speaking in a low voice. There is no way I'm trusting her! I promised myself.

At that moment, Kyu turned back to us and walked over slowly as she said, "Guys I have a small problem and I'm going to need to take Castro somewhere just for a quick second!" 

Well what's wrong and where are you going?" Jinx asked.

"Listen I do not need to explain now, but trust me!" She replied, swaying slightly.

Jinx started to object before I stopped him. "Go quickly Kyu. We trust you'll be able to fix him!" Kyu grinned as she nodded, ran back to Castro, grabbed his hand and fled off with him.

"Atalanta! What the hell did you just do?" Jinx asked.

"How's it going to hurt? If he is cured it's great, if nothing happens it was worth a shot and if he ends up, say, eating Kyu, it isn't much of a loss for us!" I replied. 

Through all that was happening, Jinx laughed and nodded. "Good point. What do we do while we wait?" 

I shrugged as I looked anxiously in the direction Castro and Kyu ran off in. Kyu was running up to us ith Castro trailing behind.

"Whatt happened?" Jinx asked eagerly as she approached.

She shrugged. "I pretty much fixed him. I just told him about his life and he only just trusted me. He'll be very upset, frustrated and grumpy though. Might never be his true self again, but at least he doesn't want to kill us and he will stay!" 

I sighed. "I guess it's better. Good work Kyu," I replied just as Castro walked up next to Kyu.

"Um, so....what do we do?" Jinx asked. "Continue on with the same plan?" 

"Uhh probably not," Kyu replied. "I mean, for Castro's sake. He's still not very good." 

I studied Castro and then Kyu closely before replying, "Good point. Lets just go back to where we stayed before and rest there, we'll see what happens," And off we went, back to the secret house underground, Kyu and Castro lagging behind with Jinx and I having a good talk at the front. For some reason, no Wilds were there at all.

As we arrived in the house, I remembered something. "I forgot to ask, Kyu, um, why did Castro kiss YOU before he was knocked out?" 

A/N: Oooh what do you think? Do you think anything sneaky is going on with Kyu and Castro? What do you think the answer is about the kiss? If you hae any creative ideas please PM them to me! I would love to hear!

The MULTIMEDIA is of Jadin Gould, the girl playing Kyu!

Don't forget to...



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