Chapter Nine

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I woke up with a start in a crazy unknown world. Who am I? I thought. Where am I? What am I doing here? How come I can't remember anything? Two heads popped into my vision and I cried out.

"Atalanta! You are awake! Are you okay?" The boy with dark hair asked.

"Who are you? Who's Atalanta? Where are we?" I asked as I looked at both the boys, back and forth.

The boys exchanged worried looks. "Oh no!" The boy with blonde hair cried. "It's true! When mortals come down here, they lose memory of who they are and their life!" 

The boys both knelt down next to me. "What does she remember?" The other boy asked.

"Um.... they remember all their skills...." The blonde haired started and the other one sighed. "Uh.... I think they said that once they remember a little, they will start to remember everything!" They both sighed in relief and started talking over the top of each other.

"Okay, your name is Atalanta and you lived in the forest because you were kicked out. You have a dog named Ginger and you loved her to bits. A few days ago, you met Jinx" The blonde-haired gestured to the dark haired one. "Ugh.... he fell in love with you and then I possessed your dog to talk to you- by the way, I'm Castro- and then the next day, I came back with Jinx and we explained about our history and-" 

"Wait!" Jinx interrupted. "You forgot to say we are Vampires!" He reminded.

"Oh yeah! thanks man. Okay Atalanta. We are Vampires, but we are good. We failed our test of stalking you and we got thrown down here. When you are thrown down here, you lose your memory. There! We are up to date! You remember anything?"  He asked desperately. 

I thought hard. "No, i'm sorry guys!" 

"Grr!" Jinx clenched his fists. "Is there anything else you remember from class?" 

"Ugh..." Castro's brow creased in thought. "I think they said... Oh yeah! If you tell them the moment they thought about last that has happened lately, they will instantly remember!" He smiled. "Simple! Did we forget anything?" 

They stood there for a few minutes, lost n thought, until the guy called Jinx's face lit up. "You kissed me! And then you ran away...." They waited, but I shook my head. 

They both slumped back, before Castro's face lit up. "When we were explaining, you got angry at Jinx and pounced on him, insulting him!" I tried to remember. I can just tolerate Jinx.... I don't mind Castro.... The next time I wake up, I will be in the spirit world....

I grinned at them. "I liked that moment a lot!" We all started laughing with glee.

"She remembers!" Castro shouted as he high-fived jinx. We were all laughing until Jinx shouted, "Wait, wait STOP." We went quiet and he continued. "Why the hell do you think about that often?! " 

I exchanged a look with Castro. "Because it's hilarious," And we both burst out laughing. Once we both calmed down I asked them, "So where are we now? I mean, we are being pretty loud so why aren't the Wild Breed coming for u-" I looked down at my body an just realized I was wearing weird rags. "What are these?" 

"Well apparently when you are down here permanently the- what I think are like, the presidents from down here- throw some rags on you. Great right?" I nodded slowly, but shook my head after.

"Anyway.... where are we?" I asked. I investigated the area we were in. It was about as big as an average shed and was lit by 2 candles which were at opposite sides of the room. There was no windows but there was a miniature in the door that was barely see-able. There was a few rags, blankets and wool sheets thrown around surrounding us three and on the side of the wall there was a small shelf and table. 

"Well it's a really funny story! What happened was-"  Jinx started before Castro interrupted him.

"It wasn't funny at all! It was scary, if anything!" Jinx just shrugged. 

"Well when you think about it, it can be funny!" Castro shook his head which made Jinx chuckle and continue. "Anyway, we woke up to be against this corner with a group of Wild Breeds and they were like, at a fire laughing. They hadn't noticed we had woken, but we saw you still asleep and knew that it would be hard to get anywhere without abandoning you, but we couldn't stay there either. So we exchanged thoughts and-" He slammed a hand over his mouth and Castro hit in on the arm and through his head in his hands.

"Oh my god! You guys can do telepathic messages? Why the bloody hell wouldn't you tell me!?" I demanded. So it was true! They could exchange thoughts! Go figure.

Jinx rubbed his arm nervously. "Well... we were going to tell you at some point, but if we told you sooner you would... um.... oh who am I kidding!" He started cracking up. "We just didn't!" I growled t him and he shut up pretty quick. I think they exchanged another thought because then Castro continued on the story.

"So, we decided to use a distraction. Since I was stronger, I would be the one carrying you out so I pretended to still be asleep and so Jinx caught their attention. When he shouted out to them and stood up, they all paid their attention on him- just like we planned- and dstracted them. While he did that, I through you over my shoulder and crawled out with you," 

"But it didn't go too well," Jinx swapped, like they were taking shifts. "One of the guys noticed, threw you off his back and threw Castro against the wall, while the others grabbed me and-" 

"Beat the poop out of him!" Castro slapped his knee and stared laughing at his own joke. Jinx pushed him over and continued the story. "Anyway, yes, we both got beat up a little, but after a while we did escape from their grasp and stumbled off in pain with a bunch of Wilds at our tails. After a hile though, we found a hole in the ground and followed it down- covering up our tracks- and we found this place with all ths stuff still in here. From what it looks like, it's been abandoned for decades!" 

 I nodded slowly, questioning their prediction. It looked like it was used about a few weeks ago, but I guessed that we had to think positive. There was an uncomfortable silence following, unti I brke it by saying, "Guys, let me see the wounds the Wilds gave you." The boys heisitated, but looked t e and then each thers and took off the rags covering their chest and stomach. 

To be honest, they looked like a reck. Jinx was covered in bruises and deep scars, and a few places where he looked to have been whipped and bit. Castro didn't look as bad, but he was still a reckless sight. His had what looks like glass stuck around his abs and bruises even worse than Jinx's. My eyes widened and I inched closer to them. "Let me help fix them," I whispered as I faced Castro, guessing that he needed that glass out as soon as possible. I took out two at once and he winced hard very time I did. Fortunately, they weren't in too deep so only a small amount of blood came out.

Once I had taken them all out, I knw that I was going to need a wet cloth, so I told the boys I would be right back, grabbed a small rag and sqeezed out the tiny door, only to face a pack of monsters walking up the small path.

A/N: What do you think?

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