Chapter Twenty

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The little girl's mouth dropped as the older Wild dropped to the floor, her eyes cold and lifeless.

"Mummy!!" The little girl shouted as she started sobbing loudly, flinging herself onto her mother's chest. To be honest I felt horrible about it. I mean, sure, she was going to kill me but I felt bad for the girl.

The girl fixed her eyes on me. Her legs were shaking, her eyes were glassy and she looked like she would bolt any second. "Please don't kill me," She whispered.

I didn't know what my game plan would be. To apologize and let her go nicely? To be cruel and scare her away? I knelt down next to the girl but she took a step back as she chewed on her hair.

"Of course I won't kill you," I replied quietly.

"Then why would you kill mummy?" She asked with a mouthful of hair.

"Because otherwise she was going to kill me!"

".....Then why not leave each other alone?" She asked and I've got to say she was one of the most adorable child I have ever met.

"Well, you see that boy over there?" I said, pointing to Jinx. "Him and I are special. We are going to save everyone down here! We are going to make it different! I had to kill your mum so that we can made a change. But don't worry, she's resting." 

The little girl smiled and nodded. "Can I be special with you too?" She asked.

I didn't know what she meant at first, until I realised that it meant she wanted to come witth me and Jinx. I would have loved the girl to come with us, but I knew it was too dangerous.

"You know what? I would LOVE you to, but this is a job for the big kids! We don't want you to get hurt!" 

The girl paused before nodding. "Okay....I get it. But where do I go?" She asked.

I had a crazy thought but I knew it might just work. "Come with me," I said as she took my hand. We stood up and I took her over to Jinx, shaking him lightly.

His eyes fluttered open and he sat up stretching. "Is it time alre-" As he opened his eyes again he noticed the girl. "Woah! Who's the kid Atalanta?" 

I explained about how I killed her mother, about what she asked me and about my idea. After I was finished, Jinx thought about it for quite a long time before he replied, "I want to do it for the girl, but it would take forever to track down Kyu, and how do you know she'll say yes?" 

"Listen I KNOW she will and I know where she might be! ......How about you stay here and fend off all the Wilds you can and I'll take her?" I asked.

He considered it. "If you think you can do it.... I trust you. You will have to go now, and you'll have to go fast but quietly. I grinned and nodded.


"Where are we going?" The girl asked as we ran quickly through the forest. I knew exactly where I was going, but I wasn't sure how I knew.

"We are going to a girl who can look after you!" I glanced at the girl who had a smile on her face and I laughed.

We ran for another 10 minutes before I asked her, "What is your name?" 

"Yvonne," She said quickly. I smiled. It was a beautiful name.

"That's pretty," I said. She grinned and I grabbed her hand as I started walking. "We're making a turn," I said as I turned t the left to appear on a thin pathway.

After about another half an hour, I found where I was going; Kyu's house. She once told me how to get in so I did what she had explained and found a tiny door, pushing it open.

Inside was Kyu, sleeping peacefully. I smiled in relief as it did feel great to see her and know she was safe. I brought Yvonne over to her and shook her awake. Her eyes shot open and she sat straight up. Her eyes relaxed when she said it was me but she cocked her head in confusion.

"Atalanta? What are you doing here?" She asked.

I explained to her about what Jinx and I were planning to do, then about how I found Yvonne and how I wanted her to look after her.

Kyu smiled. "I would love to take care of her!" She bent down so that she was at Yvonne's height. "Hello there Yvonne! My name is Kyu! Do you want to stay here?" 

Yvonne grinned and nodded frantically. "Yes! You are nice and look strong! You can protect me!" She went and jumped into Kyu's arms.

I smiled. "Okay well I'm happy it worked out!" Yvonne ran out of Kyu's arms and came and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you for finding me a friend!" She said into my hair. 

"Yeah, thanks Atalanta!" Kyu added. 

"No worries you two!" I said. I let go of Yvonne and put my hand on Kyu's shoulder. "Keep safe. I'll try and see you some time!" She nodded and I ran out the door.


I finally appeared back at the bonfire and it took quite a while, because on the way back, I got lost and had no idea where I was going, but then I realised I was going the right way in the first place.

I looked arond for Jinx and found him struggling to fight a Wild. I cursed under my breath and as I ran over, I grabbed out my dagger. He looked at me weakly but quickly looked back at the Wild, to take a blow on his leg.

He collasped to the ground and I sprinted to him harder. The Wild stood over him and he held his battle axe above Jinx. I evetually reached them and when I was about a metre away, I leaped at the Wild, my dagger out. 

The Wild noticed me but swiftly ducked so that I flew over him, tumbling to the ground. I quickly stood back up annd turned around. Jinx was back up on his feet. He smiled and winked at me as he excaped the Wild's axe. 

I rolled my eyes at Jinx and ran up, cutting a chunk out of the Wild's shoulder. Other than lets out a roar of pain and anger, he ignored my and continued fight Jinx. I gave the Wild a glare (even though it was stupid since he wouldn't have seen it anyway) and punched him the back of the head before kicking him in the back of the leg.

He toppled over and landed on Jinx. Jinx let out a shout and I only realised why when I walked in front of the Wild.

The Wild's axe had barely missed him, and ripped off a peice of his thin clothing. I gave him a small smile and rolled the Wild off of him, just as Jinx shot him in the side.

"How are you going on bullets?" I asked Jinx.

"Nearly out," He responded nervously.

A/N: Yay! I FINALLY made it to chapter TWENTY! I know it's not much of an acheivement but I'm proud of it, SO THANK YOU TO ALL OF MY READERS!


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