Chapter Eleven

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We didn't make it.

Once the Wilds closed in on us, they threw me against the hard gravel and I was knocked unconscious instantly. I woke up later in the corner of a room with Castro next to me, is eye swollen, his lip cut and he had another deep gash across his forehead, as well as a bunch of other bruises and cuts. 

I looked at my surroundings. We were outside and it looked to be about 9pm (if the spirit world had time). The ground was wet and the dirt was piled high, with holes beside them. About 10 metres away, there was a fire burning with 3 big men sitting around it, who I supposed were Wilds.

There was one with his back to us with a huge club in his hand which seemed to be the biggest out of them all. His skin was dark and his body was covered in brown leather. The other two were more lighter and looked to be twins, though one's eyes had real black rings surrounding them.

I tried to stand up but a sharp splitting pain came through my leg. I stopped myself from shouting and grabbed Castro's arm to stop me from collapsing. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me and then at the 3 men. 

"What happened once I was knocked out?" I whispered to Castro. the twin without the rings looked back and Castro and I both closed our eyes quickly, opening them a few second later. Castro inched closer to me, his hand flying to the cut on his lip and then to his gash on his forehead.

"I tried to fight them off but it lasted about 20 seconds and in that I got all this. I guess when we were both unconscious they brought us here," He shrugged. I felt over his forehead and Castro winced. "Can you contact Jinx?" I asked quietly, taking my hand away. 

He closed his eyes and his brow creased. After a few seconds he opened his eyes and looked around wildly. "Okay, Jinx ran off and found a man who is also a Groomed. He's tending Jinx at the moment, because apparently Jinx ran into some Wilds of his own. He told me that once we get out, to contact him and he'll come and he'll tell us where to go." I nodded and I glanced over at the Wilds.

"How's their hearing?" I asked.

"It's three times better than a mortals. The only way we could escape unnoticed is if we-" He shut his eyes and the biggest Wild grunted continuously. It wasn't until the other two started grunting as well I  realized what had happened. I shut my eyes calmly but on the inside I was freaking out. What if it was my fault they realized us? I kept thinking. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer.

"We command you both to open your eyes! We know you are up" A gruff voice shouted. I felt a hand on my arm and opened my eyes. Castro was gripping my arms, his eyes wide with terror. I looked into the direction the voice had come from and forced myself not to whimper. If you though that darker guy was scary from the back, he's gonna want to make you kill yourself over and over again from the front.

His left eye had a massive gash right from the tip of his forehead, across the eye and onto the side of his nose. his teeth were literally black and lone story short; not a pretty sight.

I pushed myself harder against the wall when the two twins slumped up next to him. I heard Castro murmuring a pray under his breath while I waited for the Wilds to speak. After a few minutes, Castro finally stopped praying and the Wild continued.

"So boys, what's it gonna be?" He asked the twins as he walked from side to side. Stabbing? Biting? You guys choose this time!" 

"Ooh! Ooh! Can I choose? Please?" Castro asked.

He stopped pacing and looked at Castro closely. "What are you on about boy?" he kicked up the dust on us and Castro started coughing, but immediately put back on a smile.

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