Chapter Fifteen

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As I leaned against a tree with Castro kneeling at my side, I started humming, causing Castro to look up at me and shoot a flashy smile.

I raised an eyebrow as he chuckled, jumping up onto his feet, with the help of my foot. He wiped his eyes and when he took away his hands, he looked up at the sky, which was hard to see properly because of the crowns' of the trees.

"You know, I never thought I would end up down here. I was great in training, I knew nearly everything and I promised myself and all my educators that I would never risk anything that could bring me down here." I nodded as he leaned on the other side of the tree that I was on. 

"After training though, I had completely forgotten that Jinx and I would have to work together. I had always fretted that he would cause me trouble and..." He let out a laugh. "Look now!"

I let out a deep breath. "You know, you have never told me anything about your 'training', or anything before you studied me for that matter. You keep bringing it up but have never explained it to me," I told Castro.

There was a long pause before he replied. "Well Jind and I's life before we studied you was pretty average. Have you ever heard of the spirit world?" I nodded. "Well it's like that, except it's a place for vampires, both Groomed and Wild. We lived with our mother until we were five, and that is when we started training. We were applied into an all groom-training school, where they fed us, groomed us and gave us a home." Castro stopped for a second only to continue again a moment after.

"Everyday from 7am to 5pm they would teach us say, how to kill when necessary, about how to study our mortal and our history. It was kind of like your schools. We would also graduate when they thought we were ready and we would start studying by coming into the mortal world and living there until our subject died." 

"Okay that seems pretty simple. You know, vampires don't seem like the ones in the tales. I mean, you truly just seem like a human," I replied. Castro gasped as if hurt.

"I didn't mean to offend you!" I said, scoffing. "But even you have to admit that we are quite similar! I've never even seen a vampire bite down here!" 

"Wanna see it from me?" Castro growled as he walked around until he was in front of me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" I exclaimed. "Castro don't take offense to it!" 

He relaxed a little. "Sorry Atalanta, I don't mean it. I won't do that again, I was just angry you said that." I didn't feel much better, but I nodded just as Kyu popped up behind Castro.

"How did you sleep guys?" She chirped. I shrugged.

"I was good! You?" Castro replied cheerfully.

"Pretty well sir!" She giggled and I scoffed. It reminded me of a school girl with the hot guy.

Kyu look innocently at me. "Oh I'm sorry, did I do something to annoy you?" She ask, her eyes like a bushbaby's.

I gave a sarcastic smile. " Nothing Kyu!" She didn't seem to notice the sarcasm as she gave me a warm smile in return before turning to Castro. Where is the girl from yesterday, giving me the dirty looks!?

Kyu whispered something to Castro and he did the same to her. I slumped my shoulders, eagerly trying to listen in, but unlike a vampire, I can't hear when they are speaking at that low a volume.

As Castro took a step backwards, he turned to me and walked to my side. "Anyway, do you two girlies want to leave now?"

"Wait!"  I thought for a second. "Shouldn't we go see where Jinx is? I mean, he might be in trouble. He's your brother Castro."  

Castro look behind me. "He should come soon.... I'll tell him where we are going and we'll meet him there!" I hesitated before nodding. It was a good idea.

"Okay then. I guess we'll start going. Take the lead, Kyu," I replied, gesturing in front of us. Kyu gave me a small smirk and grabbed Castro's arm, power-walking until they were a good lead in front of me. Yep, there is the Kyu that I know and hate.

I didn't bother catching up with them, so I stayed behind and did my best to watch for anything suspicious which I soon found out was very boring when nothing was there to look at except for Kyu flirting madly with Castro. Hey, maybe Jinx and KYU are meant for each other.

I yawned and jogged up beside Kyu, who glared at me before completely acting like I wasn't there. I rolled my eyes. She's literally in hell and all she cares about is Castro!

I heard a rustling noise in the bushes and froze, listening for more noises.

Castro turned around and looked curiously at me. "What's u-" 

"Shh," I interrupted.

We waited for a moment until Kyu got impatient and asked, "There's nothing-"

"Shhhhhhhhh!" I said again as she folded her arms.

I heard a grunt and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up straight. 

"Heard that Atty?" Castro whispered. I nodded as I slowly took out my dagger I knew it would be useless but it's better than being unarmed. Castro took out his pistol and Kyu with her.... spear (bent and battered spear- oh well. Her fault if she's dead in the next few minutes) and we walked slowly to where the noise came from.

We had walked about 10 steps before the thing/s decided to show itself. Two humongous Wilds pounced out and lashed at Castro.

Castro quickly ducked and step-sided both of them before one of them decided to try onto Kyu. It's eyes locked on her and she let out a squeak as she held out her spear, hands shaking.

I was tossing between helping her or letting her do it on her own, before I realized that she probably didn't deserve to die, so I charged at the Wild.

It acted as if I was just a little pest as it whacked me off to the side and into a tree with the back of his hand. My head was spinning and my vision was blurring. I head a gunshot ring, Kyu squealing for Castro and Castro shouting for Kyu. 

At that moment my vision came back and I saw the same Wild who tossed me off holding Kyu in his claws with Castro lashing at the Wild. The other one was lying on the ground with what looked like water everywhere. So the gunshot went into him.

I stood up to help, but Castro shouted, "Atalanta, stay down!" I did as I was told and what Castro did next was unbelievable.

His fangs grew out and he grabbed onto the Wild's arm, digging his fangs into it and sucking out the blood.

"Castro, no!" Kyu cried as she struggled against the Wilds grip. It dropped Kyu as it tried to shake off Castro, but he stayed firm.

There was nothing the Wild could do to fight Castro off. At one point though, he finally became too weak and fell to the ground with a slow, slow death until he would revive. Kyu had tears down her cheeks but I had kept her back from interfering.

Castro finally dropped the Wilds arm and scrambled clumsily over to us. He kissed Kyu and gave me one last look before he dropped unconscious onto the floor.

A/N: Did anyone expect that? What do you think? The Multi-media is of a Wild!

If anyone has any ideas, they are all appreciated and I will try to get something out of them all! If it is alo possible, if you can just ask anyone you know you might like my story to read it! I really don't care how many reads or votes or anything, it's just I would like a few more people to give me helpful ideas and things!

Optional, but remember to....




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