Chapter Twenty-Four

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We were called back and Jinx and I flew over and we stood before them, my hand tightly gripping Jinx's arm. The man and woman had their hands behind their back in a formal way an there faces showing that they weren't messing around.

"So?" Jinx said in a low, grave voice.

The girl took a big gulp of air. "You two have made us think about our purpose up here, why we run this place. We could even call you our wake-up call. We have come to a decision. Our next meeting is this afternoon and we are going to demand that us Grooms get more respect in hell, and that all mortals should not have to get involved and come down here," She explained.

"We are going to get the rest of the mortals up here, and also about half of the Groomed breed and we will take you all into the meeting, where you two," the man said, waving a finger at us. "We'll say what you said to us when you came up here." Jinx and I nodded firmly as I slipped my hand into his.

"We think that will be great. Are you certain it will work though?" Jinx asked.

"With so many kids like you two, they will have to listen and if not, we'll make them. We now have the same determination as you two and we are going to use our power to make it right," The woman replied defiantly. 

I smiled at them and they both gave me a grin back. "So we have to go get some Grooms and mortals up here! Until we need you two, A.J here will take you down to our quarters." The woman said, gesturing to the man behind them

A.J nodded at them and ushered us over to the door.Jinx and I caught up to him and just before we were about to leave I turned around. "Before we go, what are your names?" 

"I'm Rysk and that's Jagger," The man said. I nodded slowly. I have never heard them names before at all.

"Come on," A.J said quietly as he lightly touched my shoulder to give me a quick pull out. I looked back to Jinx and quickly walked out of the door where A.J led us through the hallway. There where doors everywhere but when we finally got to the last door in the hallway, he pulled us into it.

The room was huge. It had one king-sized bed against the back wall with two small wooden badside tables beside it. Under The huge window across the biggest wall was a small mahogony dining table where some cutlery was set neatly across it. There was two desks on the opposite wall that where full of mess and in the middle, a huge velvet rug to cover the floor. There was also two giant cupboards on the back wall and an ensuite coming off from the corner.

"Wow," Jinx whispered under his breath.

"This is where you'll be staying until we call for you again," A.J said lightly. "Make yourselves at home, but please leave it as neat as you can." 

I nodded. "Thank you!" I said happily. He gave me a smile before walking off, closing the door behind him so that we were left alone in the room.

I looked at Jinx and he grinned at me, grabbing my hand as he pulled me over to the bed whicch he flew onto, taking me with him. I landed on the soft mattress and bedspread as I sighed in relief to finally be on a real bed. 

Jinx laughed out loud and rolled over to me, kissing me on the forehead. I giggled and he rolled away again so that he was beside me.

"I can't believe that we actually did something," He said.

"I know! They trust us so well! We could actually get out of hell!" I replied, resting my head on his shoulder.

"The only problem would be never seeing each other..." Jinx said, mainly to himself.

I shot up. "Wait what do you mean?" I asked curiously, I little frightened of the answer.

He sat up slowly. "Well, say we did get out of hell and the plan worked. They would transport you back to the forest and I would go back into invisibility to redo my task. You would never be able to see me or talk to me again. The only way we could is if I came back out into visiblity, but then I would go back to hell." 

I let out a shaky breath. "......I don't know what to say about that." 

"...Just say what's on your mind," Jinx replied after a while.

I thought about it. "Fine then. I'm in love with the most amazing vampire ever that I'm gong to have to leave forever. I promise myself though that I'll never forget him ever." 

Jinx grinned. "You have the most truest thoughts!" I laughed and leaned over to him, about to give him a kiss on the nose but he raised hs head a little at the last second so that I got him straight on the lips, which I didn't mind really.

I leaned away after a while for air. "Your turn," I whispered.

"What?" He asked.

"Say what's on your mind," I replied, crawling across the bed and standing beside it.

He nodded. "Okay. The girl I loved forever is finally with me and loves me back and I am the happiest man in the world for it. She is the best GIRL in the world and I am devastated that she may never see me again soon."

I put my hands on my hips. "I believe that is true," and he smiled. "Hey I'm just going to have a little wash down as II haven't done that in FOREVER!" I told him.

"Okay,"  He said as he laid back on the bed. I ran into the ensuite and quickly undressed, adjusted the water temprature and stepped in, letting the warm water slide down my back. I smiled and for the first time in a while, I sung. 

Well I quess you could call it singing as it was more of a hum but either way, I was happy to be doing it once again. I hummed the tune to the song 'toxic' my Britney Spears when I noticed the bottle of a type of gel on the floor. I hadn't used that stuff since I was 7 but I knew that it made my hair nice, clean and silky, so I took a glob of it and scrubbed my hair with it so that it was nice and soapy.

I washed it out and got the other bottle beside it with the label conditioner that I did the same system with before turning of the water and drying myself off with a towel I found in the bathroom. I put back on the rags I had and walked back out to Jinx feeling as fresh as ever.


I sat at the dning table next to Jinx, eating some leftover beef that was on the table. It tasted like heaven and we rushed through it until our stomachs were fill. We then sat there talking about whatever came to our minds until Rysk and Jagger came through the door.

"We've got everyone and need to talk to you two before the meeting," Rysk said simply.

A/N: Well another chapter is out quickly! Sorry if it's rushed, it's just that I've got WAY too many chapters and need to finish the story! I THANK YOU FOR READING THIS! REMEMBER TO COMMENT AND VOTE IF YOU FEEL LIKE THE CHAPTER DESERVES IT! :)

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