Chapter Ten

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I through a hand over my mouth to block out my squeal and backed back into the room, slamming the small door behind me and panting. " Guys, I think we have a problem!" The both looked back at me from the corner and stood up.

"What's wrong?" Jinx asked.

"I-I don't think you lost the Wilds!" I said, pointing to the door. Castro strided over and moved me aside the door. "Let me see..." he muttered to himself. He opened the door and peeped out, jutting his head back in immediately and closing the door.

"Yeah, we have a problem!" Castro whispered. Jinx tried to get to the door to see but Castro held him back and whispered, "They are right outside the door!" Jinx muttered a curse and started pacing back and forth, muttering plans to use. Castro joined him after a while and I thought of one while looking through a hole that Castro had carved, seeing if they were coming to the door.

Jinx stopped and lifted a finger. " Castro! What if we carve a hole big enough for us to sneak through at the back? We could sneak out and find a new place!" He looked at me and Castro, nodding and grinning like an idiot.

Castro an I both shook our heads. "It won't work." Castro said. "They'll still see us running off and it would take too long. I mean, I carved that tiny hole with my tooth!"

"What!?" I glared at him and he shrugged.

"Well what else was I going to use? I can use my nails because I've bit them down to the nubs!" I shook my head.

"Whatever, let's just keep thinking," I said, putting my eye up to the hole, when I looked up again. "Hey guys, you know how you said that the people in charge gave us rags? Does that mean they control everything in here?" 

Jinx scoffed. "No, that's stupid! They're just up there to stuff their faces with scones and biscuits, to give us rags, and keep track of who everyone is! They also make new rules, but they are only rules to back fire on us!" 

"But aren't there any Groomed Breeds apart of the rule 'people' that stand up for your race?"

"I want to explain!" Jinx shouted, bumping Castro out of the road and onto the ground. "There are two, but they are horrible and just stamp and agree on any new rule! They don't care how we are down here! Even if the whole breed ran out, they would just keep stuffing their faces with the food!" He glanced at Castro who was now up on his feet, facing Jinx, his face beetroot red with anger.

Jinx backed away and started leaning against the wall in the corner.

"Okay.... but guys they don't know we are in here, so I say we stay until they actually notice us in here!" Jinx shouted. The door burst open and 2 heads poked in, there mouth stained with blood. "Found you's!" One shouted as the other shouted back outside, the Wild's all trying to squeeze in.

"Talk about Jinxing us!" Castro shouted. I let out a laugh but then realised we were probably ot going to make it out, but I wass ready to try anything.

"Come on boys! get to the back wall and start running into it!" The boys both looked at me as I ran up to the wall and banged into it with my shoulder. I felt it start to weaken and the guys grinned and started doing the same.

The first 3 Wilds made their way in and grinned at us, holding battle axes, baseball bats and many more things. "Hurry!!" I shouted desperately. We all backed up and I counted to three and we all charged, the wall falling underneath us and the roof slanting, hitting one of the Wilds in the head. 

We all scrambled off the wall and started running. Luckily, they were all trying to help the three out, so I say we had a minute extra, tops.

I let the boys lead, since I had no idea where I was going. I kept looking back, and when we were only about 300 metres away from the house, 2 of the Wilds started coming for us. i told the boys to go faster, and they sped up, knowing not to look behind. They seemed to know where they were going, and were makiing quick turns in and out of the trees. It seemed to be to lose them off our tail, but it only made me slower. 

We were all panting like crazy and they were gaining quickly. In a matter of minutes, I knew we'd be dead.

"Guys!" I shouted over our footsteps. "I'll lead them elsewhere! You guys find safetly and I'll find you'se later!" They turned another sharp corner and I almost banged into a tree.

"Aalanta, you can't! You don't know your way around here!"Castro shouted. "Jinx, you know this place best! Atty and I will fend them off your tail, escape and we can still be in contact with each other! I will tell you what will happen every step of the way! Got it?" Jinx nodded and castro put his hand on his shoulder.

"Make sure you guys find me again!" Jinx shouted as I ran next to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek- a farewell kiss. "Promise!" I shouted, and he dove to the side into a deep sea of trees.

"We can make it, Castro! I know we can!" I shouted, as the wilds closed in behind us.

A/N: sorry if it's a little short! I wanted it to have a cliff hanger! What do you think?

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