Chapter Twenty-One

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I thought about it for a second. "Can you use nearly anything?" I asked Jinx.

He nodded. "We had to. In training you had to be perfect at nearly every weapon."

I smiled and picked up the Wild's axe. "When your bullets run out, use this," I replied, shoving it towards him. He had a look of distaste on his face before he shrugged, grasping it.

"So how many bullets do you have?" I asked.

"Well.... I used all of mine today so I started using Castro's, who really didn't have many, but I only had to use one, so I now have.... nine," He responded as he walked around me slowly.

I turned to him and raised my eyebrows. "Yeah because that's not much!" I said sarcastically. "Don't worry, you won't have to use that axe for a little while then, but I'm not sure you are able to lug it around." He considered t, tossing the axe back an forth in his hands, staring at it.

"Mm nah! I can carry it! It's only a little bit heavier than a regular one! I can handle it! I'll start using this and will use the gun when necessary!" I laughed and rolled my eyes, walking back towards the log we slept near, Jinx following suit.

I sat down on the log and studied my dagger. "I don't think that this dagger is going to help me kill any more Wilds. It's just a dagger and it's going blunt," I told Jinx as he sat down next to me.

"Don't worry, when we kill some more Wilds one is bound to have a sword!" He said, grinning. I smiled and looked down at my dagger gain, before noticing the empty feeling in my stomach.

"....You hungry?" I asked Jinx. His eyes widened as he nodded frantically. I stood up in sync with Jinx.

"I'll go find some meat.."

"And I'll go find some fruit!" I finished for him. He nodded as he ran off in one direction so I decided to go the other way.

I flew through the forest, identifying all the trees and bushes with berries or fruit across them, but all the berries seemed to be poisonous and if there was a fruit tree, it was either bare or the fruit was rotten. I growled in frustration as I crushed a poisonous berry in my hand, the juice staining my palm.

I flicked the juice off and continued walking through the mess of trees. I kept an eye out for anything that would be helpful, but found nothing. I heard footstep crunching along the ground and I quickly ducked behind a tree just as a Wild came walking past. It completely ignored me and walked straight past. 

I only stepped out once the footsteps were a tiny clap and shrugged as I continued on. I saw a bush out of the corner of my eye and ran to it, grabbing on a berry and squeezing out the juice.

Poisonous. I thought. Just my luck. I wiped my hand on my clothes and slowly walked away. An enormous tree was in my sight and I stared at it in awe. It was the thickest tree I had ever seen down here. 

I slowly walked around it to find a tree with perfect apples dangling off the branches. I grinned in excitement and grabbed a dozen, holding them in my shirt. I sprinted back and placed all the apples upright on a flt surface on the fallen tree.

I was about to go back to the spot, before I quickly grabbed an apple and took a big bite from it, closing my eyes and sighing as the juice exploded from the apple. I jogged back to the thick tree and searched throughout that area for any more fruit.


I ran back to the fallen tree a few hours later with a giant curved up piece of wood that I found that I was using as I bowl, with more apples, some blueberries, and a few plums that were just ready to eat.

I was very proud with everything I had found and when I arrived back, Jinx was already sitting down eating one of the apples. Beside him was what looked like a deer that had a giant hole in it's side.

Jinx raised his head and when his eyes fell on my, he grinned and jumped up. "Hey! Great apples you found! They are awesome! Ooh blueberries!" He grabbed one of the blueberries from my bark bowl and plucked it in his mouth. He sat back down and tapped the ground beside him. 

I sighed and put the bowl next to the apples I picked before, seating myself next to Jinx. "So how'd you go?" 

He gestured to the animal beside him. "I got this deer but I'm telling you, it wasn't easy! The animals down here are hard to find but I ended up finding this critter... before I shot it!" I nodded slowly. "I have been here for about half an hour and battled two teenage Wilds. I killed one but the other girl fled." 

"Any swords with them?" I asked hopful, but he sadly shook his head.

A silence followed until I broke it by asking, "So, are we going to cook up this deer or what?" 

He stood up and started pacing. "Well... the smoke from a fire would cause a LOT of attention, but I don't know if there's any other way to cook it.

I thought for a second. I have a way to cook it! We would still use a fire, but I know a way to get rid of the smoke."

"So do I just make the fire how I usually would?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yep and while you do that, I'll try and find the supplies!" I said as I ran off. I collecte the plants I needed pretty quickly as most of the plants needed were common, before running back to the fallen tree, where Jinx was just getting a spark.

His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and when he finally got the fire up and running, he relaxed and smiled. "You do your job!" He said as he stood up, me taking his spot.

I mixed up the plants together in a matter of minutes and plopped the mix on tope of the neatly made teepee with the fire in the middle. The line of smoke immediately stopped but the fire burned underneath. I felt Jinx come up next to me with the deer's insides, placing them close to the fire.

I held my breath from the smell, until Jinx wiped his hands across my arm. I let out a gasp and brushed my arm before pushing him over. He went into hysterics and I started laughing too.


I sat cross-legged beside Jinx, quietly eating the deer. It tasted like heaven but I made sure I ate it slowly, as I hadn't eatn in a while. I think that the only disturbing thing about the meal was that Jinx was also drinking the deer's blood.

".....Atalanta?" Jinx asked after a while of silence. I looked over at him. "Atalanta, I get it if you slap me after ths or something, but I just can't keep it in any longer. I love everything about you, from the way you talk to the way you fight with pure bravery. I love you and I know that it is impossible for anything to be between us, but I just wanted you to know." 

I swallowed the piece of deer in my throat and smiled at him. I hadn't even realised, but I did love him. I didn't know if it was true love, but it was way more than what I ever felt to Castro. I never wanted Jinx to go. He was the only reason I was strong down here and I didn't find him at all annoying. Everything that he did that would have annoyed me before, I now thought it was cute. It really was special to him.

I leaned over to Jinx and was about to give him a real kiss, until I large hand clasped him on the shoulder.

A/N: Awwwwww isn't that sweet? Not with the hand on his shoulder but with what he said! Tell me what you think about the chapter and pleae spread the word about this story!


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