Chapter Seven

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As soon as i woke up, i remembered that Jinx and Castro were coming to visit me this morning. I sat straight up and look at my surrounding. I sighed with relief. Good. They're not here yet. I splashed water on my face from my bottle and grabbed a per from the nearest pear tree. Damn! ripe. I through the one i took a bite out of onto the ground and picked out a nice, fat, juicy one.

I looked around the cam for the second time, but of course, they still weren't here. I didn't want them to come, but I did want to get it over with so that i would stop tensing. I took a deep breath and started taking off my leather jacket. When i realised the bruises and cuts from a few months back were still there, i quickly slipped it back on.

"Oh man! they are some deep cuts!" i heard a voice behind me. i yelped as i turned around and accidently punched Jinx in the nose. He tripped to the ground holding his eye.

"Grr! You stupid idiot Jinx! Stop scaring me like that! ever heard of walking up to my FACE!?"  I growled as i helped him up. As I glanced up, Castro appeared out of thin and walked towards us.  When he glanced at Jinx's now quickly swollen eye, he laughed.

"Wow Atalanta! You really are a HIT!" he cracked up, slapping his thigh. "What did you do this time, Jinx?" Jinx scowled at he ran up to Castro and pounced a him. Castro threw his hands out at just the last minute and pushed Jinx to the ground. He shrugged his shoulders. "You got no chance little bro!"

Jinx pouted as he stood up. "So what did he do Atlanta?" He asked, looking up at me.

"He bloody appeared behind me and scared the frickin' daylights out of me!" I yelled, glaring at Jinx. He shrugged his shoulders. "It's fun!" I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Jinx, you're better than that!" Castro scolded. "You can't just go around scaring girls that you have a crush on!" Jinx turned a bright shade of red, which is saying something when he's a vampire.

"Well what about you, Castro? I heard that yesterday..... what did happen yesterday!? Did you try and get in on my girl, Cat-Trow?"

I stepped in. "For your information Jinx, I am not anybody's GIRL! And nothing happened yesterday!" I glanced at Castro.

"Yeah!" He agreed. "All i did was abduct her dog and tell her a bit about what goes on with us vampires! No biggie." I bit my lip to stop myself from grinning. "Yep. Take over my dog's body and stalk me, yeah! That's something you do everyday!"

Jinx let out a cackle. "Now you know why i like her!" I scowled at him and he took a step back. "Sorry," he muttered.

I threw my hands in the air. "Okay, okay! Now can you PLEASE tell me why you needed to come today? I didn't let you barge into my camp for nothing!" Jinx smirked at his brother. "Yes, Castro. Tell Atalanta why we are here. I would like to hear this too!" He flopped down onto the ground cross-legged next to be. "Come on Mate! Sit down and tell us!"

Castro rolled his eyes as he sat down in front of us both. I moved slightly away from Jinx, as he made me feel uncomfortable, him being that close. Once Castro was seated and comfortable, he started explaining.

"Well... i explained a lot yesterday, but i guess there are a few things that you don't know. Before i start, do you have any questions?"

"I do!" Jinx perked up. "Do i get to explain anything in this?" Castro nodded his head angrily. "Yes you do! Now shut up!" He looked over to me. "Do YOU have any questions?"

"I guess i have a few," i admitted. "I want to know more about the history of vampires, i want to know how you noticed me and... when you were observing me.. did you ever see me dress, or bathe?" Jinx laughed, but when me and Castro both glared at him, he shut up pretty well.

Castro sighed. "Okay, i will tell you the history in a second, same with how we found you and..... a little bit," He cracked his fingers nervously. I folded my arms and raised my eyebrows. "You SAW me!? Ever hard of privacy!?"

Castro stuck his hands in the air once again. "Hey! i wanted too be a gentlemen and leave you in peace when you bathed and dressed, but Jinx forced me to stay and watch. He said it would be good to observe how ladies to things. A whole bunch of crap to me." He looked down at the ground and dug a hole in the dirt with his shoe.

I raised my eyebrows as I looked at Jinx. "Oh you said that really? Here's another way ladies do things!" I pounced at my, stepping on his hands with my feet and holding his shoulders down with my hands, yelling him some insulting stuff. He struggled to get out of my grip, but like with Castro, it was useless.

Castro kind of just sat on the side, i think enjoying it. There was a few times that he laughed at my comments an sometimes at Jinx's terrified face. Even I've got to admit, it was a classic.

After a few minutes Jinx finally learnt how to get me off him and when i tumbled to the ground, he backed up on his arms and legs, his face still with a horrified expression. Castro sighed and stood up, giving his brother a hand. He whispered something in his ear and i knew that t was about me. Jinx nodded as he went to sit down next to be again, before he stopped and sat next to Castro.

"Okay. Now that you two have had your little cat fight, i will continue. Okay.... history of Vampires.. yeah. Our species started out as normal humans, nothing immortal about us. But then... this sister and brother were having a fight. The sister bit her brother, causing it to bleed. She liked the taste of the blood and craved for more. She went n this kind of rampage, cutting innocent people's arms and drinking the blood from them. She then went up to this one man.... he was a god. she however, didn't know this as he was in disguise. She cut down his side and not realising the colour of the blood that came out, was gold. She sucked some out and became immortal. So for the rest of eternity she went around sucking people's blood and continuing the vampire race, having children with random stranger then killing them in their sleep. Any questions?"

"How isn't she still alive today. And how did your.... breed come into the race?" I asked, interested in the story a lot.

He sighed, probably just wanting to stop talking. "After the first century of her immortal phase, the gods cursed her to hell, where she were to be thrown into a fire and burn slowly until she finally shrivelled up. This took about 400 years and she now has been stuck in hell for the rest of eternity, punished, being stuck in a room with the thing she feared most," he explained.

"Fire. She was afraid of fire, so now all vampires are," i guessed. Jinx applauded quietly. "very smart girl!" I ignored Jinx and ushered Castro to continue.

"Okay. Now our breed came from one of the guys she made a vampire baby with. The man was a photographer and liked to stalk all kinds of famous people, back in the day. Anyway, the baby was abandoned, but an old lady found him. She took him in under her care, bringing him out of his cravings for blood and brought him into his other hobby, photography. Like his father, he stalked a lot of people. He learnt at the age of 16 that he could turn invisible and used it to his advantage. He found a girl and they had a baby, with the same interests as him. This moved on for many generations, spreading out far and wide until finally, after about 7 generations, one of the kids discovered that he himself was immortal, still with the powers of a photographer and a stalker. This has made our breed even possible." He took a deep breath.

"Wow," i said, quite impressed. "So is stalking like, in your blood? Same with immortal ability?"

"Jinx leaned back onto the grass. "Yep! Can't help it," He sighed. I nodded slowly. "Anything else that you need to tell me?" I asked.

"Well not at the moment i think," Castro replied. "I might tell you more along the way." I jumped up. "Along the way of what?" i asked, my anger rising. Jinx sat up and out of the corner of my eye i saw him panicking to Castro mouthing, 'No! No don't stay it!'

I walked right up to Castro and held his collar. "Along the way of what?"

Authors Note: Okay, i really need ideas on what it can be, so if you have a good idea, say it to me in PRIVATE messages! If you don't have one with me yet, make one, i don't mind! You can just tell me and never to me again, if you want! Thanks! Sorry for spelling mistakes, i have a stupid computer!

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