Chapter Six

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If you look in the authors note in chapter 5, you will understand this!

Now, no one was exactly correct, But @RizzaRulez and @Cookylovescookies were half correct! BTW, get ready for a big twist! Anyway, if you don't understand it at the end just say in comments and i will explain! SORRY FOR DISDURBING YOU, LETS START!!

"... I've been waiting a while Ginger, just tell me the news!" I shouted at Ginger impatiently. I had told her to tell me 5 minutes ago, but as a dog, she got distracted by a pigeon and started chasing it.

Ginger came to a stop and trotted back to me. "Sorry about that Atty! You're dog couldn't resist. Now here goes!" Ginger shuddered as she closed her eyes, rest mist steaming from her body.

"Ginger?" i questioned. Next to her, the red mist started to form a shape. As the mist started to take colour, Ginger's eyes shot open and i realised that they were back to their usual colour, brown. I glanced back to the mist, it had completed it's shape, which turned out to be a human- well, as much as a human floating mist can be.

It was now a boy. I expected it to be Jinx, but this was not Jinx. This guy was much thinner and paler, and had light blue eyes. He also had blonde hair, and his face shape was vaguely similar to Jinx's. He was wearing a blue and white striped tee, and had his hands in his jean pockets. Cutie.

"Sup Atalanta? my name is Castro and the important news... Me- and Jinx are vampires," The guy stated casually, like it was something he said everyday.

i almost fell backwards, but stumbled back into place. i knelt down and grabbed a piece of wood on from the fire and held it in front of me. Maybe he was like the vampires in the stories and was afraid of fire. "If you speak the truth, which i expect you did since you were mist, WHY THE HELL DID YOU POSESS MY DOG? AND YOU BETTER TELL ME!" i demanded.

"Only if you put down the fire! Listen, i know all the stories say we are afraid of fire, but that's not the case! But either way, i don't want you to burn me to death!" Castro ordered firmly.

i thought for a second, then decided to drop the stick. i was curious for answers. i threw the stick back into the fire and waited.

Castro stepped closer. "Atlanta, i'm sorry for possessing your dog, but if i came up to you like poor dumb Jinx did, you would be afraid and wouldn't let me come to your camp!"

"You got that right!" i growled, pouncing on him, but he easily stepped back. I could feel the room temperature rising from the stress. (Even though it wasn't a room, but you know what i mean).

"Please, just listen to my story, and then if you still want to try and kill me, go for it," He told me. I guess that was fine. I can wait to kill someone, I'm patient.

"Fine, go," i ordered rudely.

Castro inhaled and started explaining. REALLY quickly! "Okay, Jinx is my brother, and we have both taken an interest in you, you know, because most usual human's live in... other places. So we have been watching what you do for the past few months, then i had a fight with my brother, because he had a crush on you and actually wanted to meet you, to let you know about him. I thought that it was a bad idea, but he wouldn't listen to me, so ofcourse he went out into visibility and pretended to be human. Now, i am here to let you know this, so that you won't date him. It is... complicated." He exhaled loudly and waited for me to answer. I didn't.

"... If you were wondering, I'm not like one of the Vampires that suck blood, that's the Wild breed. Me and Jinx are the Groomed breed, who are just observers," He explained.

"You have breeds!?" i asked.

"Well yeah! Don't you? Isn't there like, a smaller breed, a taller breed and a wrinklier breed?" Castro asked with a cute, head tilt like a puppy.

"Nnnooo That is jus what happens when we age. We start off small, than grow taller and wrinklier!"

Castro sighed frustratingly. "Well that's what Jinx told me. Do you think he was messing with me?" He asked politely. He still had the head tilt.

I held back a giggle and nodded.

He threw his hands up i the air and walked around in circles. "Gah! I'm so gullible! I hate that guy!" He glanced back at me and faced me. "Listen, I've got to go find him anyway. I will be back tomorrow with Jinx, to explain the whole cinnerio." And with that, he disappeared.

 As i was daydreaming, Ginger trotted up to me and nuzzled my leg. I snapped back into reality and knelt down to pat her. "You got any idea what's going on?" She stared at me with these big brown eyes. "Okay, Ginger! If you understand everything i say, then... run up to that tree and back!" .......nothing. So that was just Castro talking.

I turned back around to the dinner, muttering curses as i picked up what was left in the pot and Ginger sat obediently. I sighed. "Sorry girl, not as much dinner tonight." I was going to throw a bit of what was left onto the floor for her, but luckily, i stopped before i could because she only seemed to be wanting the bits i knocked over.

 I simply shrugged my shoulders and started sipping off the soup ladle.

                                                                *           *             *

"Night gorgeous!" i ruffled Ginger's head and crawled up in my bed, awaiting the dreaded moment of Jinx and Castro coming back tomorrow.

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