Chapter Three

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I shoved Jinx away and looked him right in the eye, full of fury. "I don't get it! You act like you have known me forever! Just get out! I'm sick of you flirting and playing with me! You are a little rat that you just can't get rid of!" I growled furiously. Yep. No way am I curshing on Jinx. God I'm relieved. 

"You know, I'm only trying to be friendly! You could just be friendly back, if you know what I mean!" Jinx replied nudging me cheekily. 

I rolled my eyes and had some pretty horrible words to say to him floating around in my head to say, but I decided to just keep it simple and get right to the point.

"I don't frickin' like you! You need to learn that when a girl says no, you leave them ALONE! I mean seriously! You's think that if I boy had so many flirts floating around in him he wouldn't just try to use them on a girl who is knows is not interested and that he has no chance with!"

He gave an amused look, having no affect at all. "True, but you are really pretty! Like seriously, are yyou religious? Because you're the answer to all my prayers!"

I blinked, ignoring him completely, and  think he got aa little desperate after that.

"You know I'd like to invite you over, but I'm afraid you're so hot that you'll skyrocket my air-conditioning bill." He winked at me and I folded my arms, smirking at him. f he thought this would win a girl over, he needs to think again. 

He gve me a friendly look. "Oh come on darling, you know you love it! It flatters you, I know it!" I stuck out my lower lip and shook my head.

"Oh and by the way, can I have the timetable for them legs? I want to see when they open!" He exclaimed, winking.

"Oh no, OH GOD!" I shouted, shaking my head furiously and covering my eyes. I started walking backwards before I started walking away, still covering my eyes.

"Come on Atalanta, it was only a joke! I woould never do that to do! You don't deserve to lose your verginity to me!" 

I turned around to see him with his hands in his pockets, moving his eyebrows up and down. I glared at him before stalking off, my hot temper steaming.

Calm down Atalanta, just go find Ginger, she always makes you feel better. Anyway, I was mean to check her again for any scars from that panther. It was way too dark last night, I thought as I got Jinx out of my mind, walking into the mess of trees.

"Oh! You mean that Jack Russel? Yeah, you might wanna turn that cute ass towards me if you want to find him, because I saw him back there," I heard that little annoying voice say. Really, you'd think he'd see the steam coming from my ears.

I spun around back towards him and put my hands on my hips, leaning to one side. "Yeah, and by the way, my sweet six pack is great to lean against if you want to feel my heart race, because that's whatt you do to me!" He called, mocking my position.

"You know what? You are a little ego maniac! I am sick of you from my head to my toes! SO JUST FRICKIN' GET LOST!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I sprinted across to him and pushed him to the ground and jumped over him, my heel purposely kicking his head. He groaned by quickly turned it into a chuckle. I sprinted off at top speed, pleading he wouldn't follow this time.

I have a feeling he had said something else, but I ignored it and anyway, I was already too far away o hear properly.

                                       *                         *                    *                      *

i sat on the edge of the lake with my feet in the water. Ginger was beside me taking a nap and I was sharpening a stick with my pocket knife.

It was at a point, but I needed to make it extra sharp. If that stupid Jinx ever comes back, this will then be in his stomach!  I was still fuming over the whole bloody thing, but I coouldn't help but wonder.

Who is he and why would he come out here? I thougght as I carefully placed the stick beside me and layed back. I mean, no one comes up here because they're too scared, so why did he and at this time too! I shook my head.

Stop it Atalanta! Just stop thinking about him and forget him! But everything I thought about ended up coming back to him. Arghh! This stick really would come in handy! 

"You do realise that if you even try to throw that at me, I can easily catch it and throw it back? Not that I would, you are way to cute to have it ruined by having a sharp stick pointed in your stomach. By the way, my embarrassing hobby is kissing girls that are living in the middle of nowhere!"  Really, you'd think I'd see him at least once when he pops out of nowhere!

"Are you stalking me or something!? Because you just seem to pop out-"

"Whenever you're thinking of me?" He finished, grinning furiously.

I grabbed the stick and stood up, storming over to him so that I was right up to his face. I was about an inch taller than him, and this definitely helped me look a little more intimidating. 

"I am right in front of you now, and can easily take out your life, so if you knew what was best, you would get out of this forest, get hit by a bus and live happily ever after in hell!" I growled at him. I mimed hitting him in the stomach, smirked but quickly frowned again to seem a little more scary, and started walking back to my campsite.

"Have you even realised that the two times that I have popped out, I've answered your thoughts? Yeah, it wasn't a coincidence, I had known what you were thinking! Because I'm awesome!" Jinx called out after me.

I stopped and curiously looked back behind me. I ignored the last comment but focused on the first.

"What do mean you read my th-" He disappeared. Well, you'd think that if he appears out of nowhere, he must disappear too. Still, weird either way!

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