Chapter Two

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I gasped and gave a very bewildered look, before diving behind a bush. I knew he had seen me, but hey, it was worth a shot.

I sat behind the bush for about a minute and when I thought that he could possibly be gone, I quickly peeked over, to find him standing right behind the bush, an amused look spread across his face. I yelped in surprise before jumping over the bush and pouncing on him. 

He was pushed to the ground and I stood on his ankles and held down his wrist. He smirked at me. "Whoa, never seen a girl to that! Can you tell me what it was for, sweetheart?" 

"What makes you think you can just waltz in here like that!?" I hissed, glaring at him. 

He shrugged. "Well, you know, it might be because this is public property. So, since you are pretty much acting like this place is yours, I expect something unusual is going on. Would you PLEASE tell me?" He asked cockily, the smirk still plastered across his face.

"Since when is that your business!?" I growled.

"Well you know, I could call the police and you could speak to them, if you really don't want to tell me," he mutter as a matter of factly.

"You wouldn't dare," I replied and he gave a cheeky grin.

"Well then tell me! But first, maybe get off me," He asked looking down at his wrist, finally starting to get out of my hold.

I sighed, knowing he'd won as I got off of him as he stood up next to me before I explained grumpily, "I've been out here for the past few years. My parents kicked me out and this is where I ended up. Happy now?" 

"Wow, you actually live out here in the FOREST!? I said it was something unusual, but it is way more than that! I've got to admit though, it's cool that you've survived! " He replied.

He stuck out his hand and continued. "The name's Jinx. I would like to know the name of this lovely girl standing before ME." 

I rolled my eyes. What an idiot. He only just met me, but he still thinks he has the right to flirt with me. Gee, I'm not an expert on boys, but I know that this isn't the way that they are properly meant to treat girls, I thought. "Atalanta." I muttered, ignoring his offer to shake his hand and he gave a smug look and put it down.

The smug looked disappeared as he smiled warmly. "That's a beautiful name! You know, that's the name of a Greek warrior! I have been researching Greek warriors lately, but that's the name I just stuck to!" he stated proudly as he winked and nudged me.

"Yeah, I know," I relied rudely. "I was named after her.

He gave a smirk as he took a step closer to me. He reached for my hand but I pushed his back, giving him a definitely deserved raised eyebrow.

He shrugged. "You know, you have beautiful eyes," he stated, flashing me a smile.

I took a few steps backwards. "Great to know!" I replied sarcastically. "I would say you do too, but I was told never to lie!" I smiled at him sweetly before frowning again. 

Jinx stepped forward again and stared into my eyes. I looked away and he lifted me chin so I looked back at him. I huffed and quickly snatched his hand away and flung him to the ground. 

He looked up at me with his head tilted to the side before chuckling. "Sweetheart, you act like that's going to get me away!"

I rolled my eyes again before giving him my best death stare. "Get lost. You don't have the right to say them things to me, so stop." I demanded bitterly. 

He gave a look as if he was thinking before sticking out his lower look and responding with, "Sorry, no can do." 

I growled. "Fine then, I'll go." I dashed off at top speed to arrive back at my camp in ten seconds flat. I panted softly and looked behind me to see Jinx was gone and I sighed in relief.

"Nice camp you got here!" said the all too familiar voice and I jumped in surprise. Leaning against one of the trees, was again, Jinx.

"How'd you get here before me? i didn't even see you run past me!" I objected, giving an astounding look.

"I am fast, and I went a different way," Jinx replied immediately, his eyes wide and he smiled sweetly.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Impossible." 

He started wagging his finger at me as he says, "Nah, nothing is impossible!"

I rolled my eyes as I let out a frustrated sigh. "Please get out of my camp! You are are little weasel and I want nothing to do with you!"

I paused quickly to think of what I needed to end with.  "I've been out here for a long time ad have never had much experience with boys, but anyone can realize that you are a guy that no one would actually want to get stuck stuck with! I will repeat myself, get out of my camp and never return!" i growled through clenched teeth.

"You just haven't really gotten to know me!" Jinx teased, having no effect on what I had said. Damn. I really wanted that to hurt.

"Nor would I want to! Even if we were the last two people on Earth, getting to know you would not even be on my list!" I spat.

"Yeah, but I know kissing would be there! Come on, I've only known you for a mere five minutes and I know you can feel me!" He replied, blowing me a kiss and then mouthing catch it.

I scoffed. "Please keep in mind that I am a female human being, not your little play toy!" 

"Yeah, but I'll be your boy toy!" He flirted as he cracked up and signalled to wait a second, clapping and silently laughing like a retarded seal.

"Oh my god are you even being serious!?" I addressed. "You are a little spunk and- have you ever even had a girlfriend?" 

"I'm trying for one right now!" I rolled my eyes.

"Leave!" I growled.

"Leave with me," he smirked.

"In your dreams." 

"That's where you'll be." 

"Oh what sorry? You meant in your nightmares, dumping you?" 

"Oh baby if you dumped me you'd come right back, beggind for me!" He laughed, but this time I think it was at our bickering.

"I'd never be there in the first place!" 

He chuckled at my comeback as he came closer, brushing my loose strands of hair behind my ear. I couldn't help but blush.

Wait, I thought. This doesn't mean that I'm in love does it? Does blushing mean I'm crushing on this little idiotic weasel?

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------how is it? sorry it took so long to post it!

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