Chapter Eighteen

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Kyu scoffed. "Are you really that delusional?? He never really did like you, he was only using you to annoy Jinx. Yes, at one point he did like you, but when he met me again you were thrown onto the curb! And don't think I'm just saying this, because he told me." 

I turned around to face Castro and he shrugged. "She's right. Sorry Atty. I know, it was cruel but there were so many things Jinx did that just needed to get back at him. I know you are really going to hate me but I want to tell you, I really do regret doing it." 

I was about to slap him right across the face before tears flooded my eyes.

"I have heard of so many horrifying things, but none of them compare to that!" I said, my voice breaking. I felt Jinx's firm hand on my shoulder and I turned my hand around to look at him.

"You meant it," I whispered. "You told me the truth but I didn't believe you."

"Don't even worry about it. If it was the other way around I wouldn't believe you either," He whispered back.

I gave Castro one more hatred look before sprinting out and the last thing I heard from him was, "Oh well. When you're in hell your gonna lose some friends." 

I sprinted for about 10 minutes before my legs buckled and I collapsed onto the floor, scratching my eye across a sharp sticking poking out from a tree in the process.

Look at how everyone's changed. I thought. One second, Castro is sweet, entertaining and cute, then the next he's trying to kill me, and then he's a cold-blooded beast, saying he doesn't care he lost me. 

I wiped my hand over my eye, which was bleeding like hell and hurting even more. And look at Jinx! When I first met him he was an annoying little weasel who wouldn't stop hitting on me, and now he's a sweet who i can trust and ask him anything!

I slowly lied back so that I was down across the ground. And then there's me. Once I was a girl living in a stupid forest, thinking I was so strong because I could survive in a land of trees, never to have talked to anyone other than a dog in years. Now I truly am strong, in a stupid place because of Jinx. I've grown in here, in both ways. If I were ever to go back, I'm not heading back to the forest. I'm going to track down my parents whether they like it or not.

My thoughts were intterupted by light footstep trotting towards me. Jinx ran and sat down next to me. 

"You okay?" He asked as he panted heavily as I sat up.

I took a deep breath. "I am. I don't care about Castro anymore!" Jinx grinned before his lips slwly curved down into a frown, his eyebrows creasing in concern.

"What happened to your eye?" He asked, feeling it lightly. As he took his hand away I saw how much blood it was actually flowing. 

I shook my head. "I only scratched it but I on't kno whyy it is bleeding this much!" 

"Crap did you cut it on this tree?" He asked, pointing to the tree above me and I nodded. "Damn! If any sking touches that tree your gonna bleed like crazy! Did it touch anywhere ele on you?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Just my eye. So what do I have to do to stop it?" 

"WWait here and keep your hand over it to contain the blood." I cvered my eye with my hand as he jumped up and quickly hurried off.

He came back a few moments later with him bearing a pile of leaves.

How are they going to help!?" I hissed. He knelt down beside me and dropped the leaves across the floor.

"These are arjeefrazim (pronunced Ar-jee-fray-zeem) leaves. they can be used as a type of healing pruct for that exact tree poison. Hold out your hand," He explained. I did as I was told and he mash up a bunch of the leaves so that a type of goo oozed out and onto my hand.

"Now rub that onto your eye and the blood should stop soon and the pain should lessen," He instucted. I rubbed the good onto my eye and the pain softened instantly. The blood flowed a little less and I smiled, standing up.

"I need water," I said. He nodded as he helped me onto my feet and told me to follow him where we ended up at a thin stream. "Here," He said and I started splashing the water onto my face with my hands before taking three big gulps of it.

 I then realised that I had had hardly any water since I came down here. I had still ha some, but not as uch as I should. I took a few more drinks and stood up, turning back to Jinx.

"Thanks now lets go back," I said as we walked quickly back to where Castro and Kyu were. We jumed down into the secret home to find it empty.

"What the hell!?" Jinx shouted as he walked around in a circle, letts out a loud growl.

"Slow your roll tiger, why the sudden outburst? They probably will be back soon," I said, I teensy bit freaked out.

"That's not where they went! He will still speak to me through his mind but he doesn't remember that! He knew Kyu would do whatever he said, and he never actually believed us with what his real life is!" He shouted.

He sighed. "He went to try and take on the Wilds, I can feel it in my gut." I grabbed my wris and dragged me out of the house. "And we are going for him.

Even though I was now hating Castro, I wanted to help him. He didn't deserve to die. Again. I nodded as we sprinted to where the Wilds had once taken me and Castro.

The sight we saw was not what we wanted at all. Castro was back up against a brick wall with two Wilds leaning over him, throwing blows everywhere and slashing at his face. He tried to fight back but he was unarmed aand very weak.

Kyu was across the other side of the site with Castro gun, fighting off three Wilds. Jinx started sprinting out into the open before he stopped and ran back to me.

"We need a plan," He said quickly. "Got any?" 

Castro glanced over to us weakly and gave us a grim look as he tried to keep the Wilds away. One of the Wilds fighting Kyu threw one of the Wilds with Castro a sword and he caught it easily.

I wave of panic rushed through me and I looked at Jinx. "Run in and hope for the best." 

We were too late though. I looked back at Castro who was now spread across the dirt with a knife through his head. Kyu glanced over at him and let out a shout as she ignored all the Wilds and rushed over to him.

The Wilds laughed as they sped off into the mess of trees and Jinx and I bolted over to Castro.

"No!" Jinx shouted, tears flying rapidly from his eyes. "No no no this can't be happening!" Kyu looked up at us and I realised that my eyes had started to prick with tears.

"He's gone and it's all my fault!" She cried as she stood up. "I loed him and he's dead because of me because of him saving me from the Wild! He should of let me die!" And those where her last words before she scuttled off quickly to who knows where.

I looked up at Jinx before he bursted into tears and flew into my arms and I could stop myself from crying too. He was shaking like a leaf and I tried to calm him down, but it's near impossible when you're crying just as hard.

A/N: How was that? Anyone expect it? Tell me your opinions!

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