Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up to the sound of shouting. I sat straight up, only to find Castro and Jinx shouting and shrieking at each other.

"-Because you are a freaking, idiotic Vampire that secretly knows nothing, even if he does act like a 'genius' to 'make Jinx seem dumb'!" Jinx finished, his eyes glassy and red.

"I don't do that! You seem dumb all by yourself starting with being embarrassingly small in training to hitting on Atalanta in every way possibly even though- as you just discovered- she truly like me!" Castro replied. Oh no, I completely forgot about Castro and me last night.

"What the hell guys?!" I shouted, them both looking straight at me.

"Did you know about him coming and being all lovey with you??" Jinx asked, his eyes showing that he was hurt and full of anger.

"Of course she did, she's not stupid!" Castro opinionated.

"Wait wait wait WAIT!" I shouted. 'How did this start?" 

Jinx stepped forward. "Do you like Castro?" 

I gave him a sympathetic look. "I would call it more a school girl crush but yes, I do.." I shifted my weight to my right foot.

Jinx started making a bunch of weird faces, starting with a horrified, to a idiotic angry face, to a weird sad face, then a hurt face, then a different angry face, until tears formed in his eyes and he sped away.

"Okay Castro. What. The hell?!" I growled at Castro.

"Okay, so Jinx MIGHT have seen us together when he woke up and he kinda shoved me against the wall, demanding to know what was happening. Then I kinda told him that you are now with me and you ditched him, then he MIGHT have started saying insults at me, then I pushed him off me and got him to the ground, yelling insults at him then when you woke up, he was finishing his at me!" Castro explained.

I face-palmed myself and glared at Castro, his face showing how frightened he actually was. I bared my teeth and held out my hands, walking forwards and shoving him into a back wall.

"You frickin' idiot! That is the worst bloody thing you could do! Seriously, you should have thought! I would hit you right now, but you are just lucky enough I am going to go find Jinx!" I took a step back and he scrambled to the corner. 

I turned around and stalked to where I was supposedly meant to get out. I mimicked on how Jinx got out and appeared above the ground.

I glanced around, walked around quietly for a bit until I finally saw a figure. I smiled, leaping up to it. It was the back of what seemed to be Jinx. They were sitting on a log, shaking like a leaf.

I sighed in relief and sat on the log beside him, glancing at his face.

Being truthful, he was not a pretty sight. His face was bright red (Which scares me to death since he's usually completely pale), he had tears down his cheeks and his eyes like glass, and his lip into a pout.

He seemed to be looking in the distance and didn't seem to notice me until I put my hand on his shoulder, which made him jump.

He scowled at me and shook off my hand, looking back at the ground and picking at the mulch.

 I sighed. "Jinx, Castro made it sounds WAY worse then it was. I didn't like him as much as he said, it was just a little crush! In hindsight, I probably made it sound like a big deal and that I LOVED him. I didn't actually-" 

That's not the point!" Jinx cried. "I had risked myself AND my brother just for you! I tried to get with you, I did everything I could and all you do is go to a guy that's not REALLY interested in you!" 

"Jinx, just because you like me does not mean I have to like you! And you're the reason I'm down here too! Listen, all you ever did was flirt and flirt and flirt and it only made me want to punch you! You say you did everything, but you didn't even try to do anything BUT flirt!" I shouted.

"You don't understand! My brother is only doing this out of spite! When we were in training and he was dating Kyu, I was in a room with Kyu and she tripped and I grabbed her! Castro walked in and took it the wrong way and promised that he would pay me back sometime! This is that sometime! Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have shown him how much I care abut you!" He stood up and punched the air, muttering something under his breath.

"Are you kidding me?" I hissed, standing up and looking him in the eye. "Castro would never do anything like that! He's sweet, calm, and nice! You must be pretty dumb to think that you could trick me that easily!" 

Jinx looked up at me, his brow creased and his face full of curiosity. "You don't have to believe me, but you will come back to me sooner or later and you would know I was right," and he was gone in a flash.

Could it be true? Could Castro just be using me to get back at Jinx? I shook the thought out of my head. No. Castro would never, ever do that. That is not who he is. 

I flipped my hair and walked back to where the house was to find Castro folding up all the sheets annd stuffing them back into the compartment.

"Hey," I said, making him look straight at me, his eyes terrified and cold.

"Hey..." He said, his voice shaking.

"I'm sorry for overreacting before.." I apologized awkwardly.

"Sorry for tell him before..." Castro replied. I gave him a small smile and he walked forward, taking my hand and kissing it.

I shook my head. "Listen Castro... I don't think we should date. It just causes troubles and I don't think I'm ready just yet.." I slipped my hand out of his and he closed his eyes, nodding.

"Did Jinx say to you about me only using you, or not really loving you and it was all just payback?" He asked, his eyes now full of worry.

I breathed through my teeth and nodded. "He said you walked in on him and Kyu and you took it the wrong way.." 

Castro grabbed my shoulders. "It's not true, trust me, please! He only said that so that you won't like me and go to him! Do you believe me?" He asked.

I slowly nodded and Castro sighed. "Good. Now, Kyu will be here soon. Do you want to go outside and wait for her? Even wait for Jinx to come back?" I nodded and Castro led me outside.

A/N: Anyone expect that? Who do you believe? Think Castro is actually using Atalanta? Tell me, and remember to....




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