Chapter Twelve

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Castro stood there for a few seconds, blinking and staring at me, until he smirked and gave a chuckle. He stood up slowly, grabbing my hand and pulling me up after. He looked past me at where the ruins are and where Wild's were and looked back at me with a worried expression, then back at the ruins, the me, back and then at me again before I finally turned around, to find it deserted and no Wilds anywhere.

I rapidly looked around us, grabbing Castro's arm as he looked around too. There was the snap of a twig and we both spun around into the direction and stared at the empty spot, where a small girl appeared, staring at us with pure fear in her eyes, and I guessed ours looked the same. Her expression quickly changed though.

"Who are you idiots? You do know that the Wilds from that camp have gone off?" She hissed, pointing her blunt stick at us.

"Cam down! We are-" Castro flicked back his hair. "Grooms! I'm Castro and that's Atalanta." 

The girl's face lighted up as she dropped her stick, running up to Castro and jumping into his arms. "Castro!!! Oh my god how did you get down here!? It's me, Kyu! Remember, from-" 

"Hell Kyu, I remember you!" He picked the girl up and swung her around. I felt a sting of jealousy hit me but I ignored it. The girl had light brunette hair and freckled covering her face. Her hair was in a messy pony-tail  and she looked about my age, if not a little younger. She was very short though but even I've got admit, she was a babe.

Castro glanced at me and quickly stepped away from Kyu. "Um, sorry Atalanta, This is Kyu, my old friend-"

"-And girlfriend!" the girl interrupted, snuggling up on Castro's arm. Castro bit his lip and gave her a little nudge off.

"Yeah.... um, we met in training and things....." He started swaying on his feet. I was kind of hoping for a silence, but Kyu kept up the conversation.

So how'd you get down here Cazzie? You were great in training! How's Jinx? What with him? Who's this girl? Is she immortal?" Okay, this girl is starting to get on my nerves.

"Well um, it's a long story. Basically, Atalanta was Jinx's and I's subject and Jinx fell in love with her and went into visibility to see her and then I went out to explain everything to Atty and so we all got down here." The then he recounted about what had happened ever since we got in here, with Kyu playing with his hair and him ignoring it.

 "Oh Caz! You've had it hard!" She coos. "So hard! You are so strong!!" I could feel the steam coming out of my ears.

"Castro, is Jinx still not replying?" I asked, baring my teeth. 

"Um, nope. I think we should go search for him!" I nodded in agreement and we got ready to leave.

"I think I should come too!" Kyu perked up. "I mean, I've been here for a while and I know my way around and where not to go!" Castro gave a small smile. 

"Well if it will help us find Jinx, then sure!" Kyu gave a giggle and skipped up even closer to Castro.

"Ugh, come on," I said, walking quickly in front. I have a feeling Castro tried to catch up, but with Kyu literally yapping at his heels, the poor guy didn't get a chance. I decided the only way was to stay back with them, so I stopped and waited for them to catch up.

Once we well all walking at the same pace (probably only 1 km per hour), Castro asked Kyu, "Okay, well apparently Jinx went to this man who is a Groomed I'm expecting he was old. He had tended Jinx and Jinx was meant to tell us where to go but we lost contact." 

Kyu thought for a bit before replying, "I think there is a man, I see him sometimes on the deserted streets at noon, but I've never known where he lives. He's the only old man, but there are a lot of young ones and a few older ones, but never old ones." She blabbed on for quite a while after that, leading us nowhere in particular, until at one point she stopped and turned to Jinx, bumping me behind her.

"Here's an idea! How about you come over to my place and every noon we go to where I see him and then sort things out from there!" 

That was the worst idea in history. Castro glanced back at me, where I was shaking my head firmly and mouthing to him to say no. "Uhh.. would Atalanta come too?" He asked.

"Hmm... I would love her to," She glanced back at me, but quickly turned back to Castro. "but I just don't have the room! It hardly fits me!" I gritted my teeth and scowled.

"Then I can't Kyu," Castro replied, walking around to my side. "Atalanta, Jinx and I are a team. I'm not goin to ditch Atty and we are going to find Jinx straight away. If your up for it, come with us and if your not, you can leave now."  I couldn't help but grin. I knew Kyu would be furious with him going up against her.

"Oh yes, I get it and I want to help! So I will come." She said, bumping us aside with her shoulders and walking on ahead. "I will show you where I see him," She called, but not turning back. 

Castro and I exchanged looks, until Castro shrugged his shoulders and walked on after Kyu, me running up beside him. "Thanks for that," I muttered. "If you ditched me to hang with Kyu, I would never forgive you and would join the rebels out of spite." 

Castro only laughed. "Why would I drop you for her? You're more skillful and less clingy, and got thrown down here for fault of Jinx. She's probably down here for something horrible!" I gave him a small smile but looked down at the ground immediately, a comforting silence following.

"Well hurry up guys! I'm not walking that fast!" Kyu shouted as she started walking backwards, until she tripped over a loose root and fell backwards. I gave a chuckle, Kyu sitting up and glaring at me. Castro bit his lip as if trying not to smile as he jogged over to Kyu and gave her a hand up. Kyu smirked and I scowled back at her.

Castro whispered something to Kyu and she smiled warmly at him. "Hurry up Atalanta! We are nearly there!" Kyu shouted to me, as I rolled my eyes and approached Castro and Kyu.

We walked on for about another kilometre before Kyu came to a halt. "Here, this is the place." She walked forwards a few steps and looked around before Castro gave a gasp. 

"I can hear Jinx, but only just." He stood with his hands to his head for a few moments before looking right at us, his eyes wide.

"Damn! Jinx had been unconscious for that time and he just woke up. apparently the old man is gone and he is in the house. He had no idea out he went out of consciousness, but he knows it will be back. Just follow me, girls, and I'll lead the way," he explained, walking forwards slowly.

We walked on for another 2 kilometres, Jinx telling Castro where to go, until Castro made a sharp turn into a cluster of trees. We quickly caught up, but once we were in there, Castro was no where to be seen.

"Castro!" Kyu hissed. "Castro where'd you go?" 

All of a sudden Castro's head popped up from the ground where a pile of leaves were. He ushered us over and as I stepped onto the leaves, my feet instantly started sinking in, until I fell right through the floor.

I landed onto a hard surface which looked to be dry dirt. I jumped up and looked around an before my eyes was a poorly bruised and battered Jinx, his eyes wide and his mouth in a huge smile.

A/N: What do you think? Does anyone like Kyu? P.S her name is pronounced how you ould say the letter Q.

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