Chapter Eight

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Castro looked at my angry face and started chuckling nervously. "It's um... a long story but um.... it's just..... take it Jinx!" Castro pryed my hands off and whimpered back onto the ground, eyeing Jinx nervously as he glared at Castro.

I spun on my heel to face Jinx as I kneeled beside him. "Spill it!" I scowled as I heard him quietly whimpering under hs breath.

"Okay Atalanta! Don't kill us, but we aren't exactly meant to come into visibiltity and when i did um....any mortal who kind of knows about us has to.......... um..... I don't know how to say it without making you want to kill me!" He admitted as he jumpe onto his feet, walking up beside Castro.

I jumped up once again and sped over to both of them, sighing. "Guys, I promise I won't try and kill you, no matter what it is! Just tell me before I bloody WILL kill you!" The boys looked at each other, obviously figuring out who to tell.

After a few minutes, Castro finally glanced at me and said, "You automatically go to the spirit world." 

Jinx and Castro stared at me nervously, most likely testing if I could control myself. "Are you serious?" I scoffed as They both nodded.

"You can't be serious!" They sat down on the ground and signalled for me to do the same. I have a feeling that they share each others thoughts as the were doing everything in sync.

Castro started explaining. "You see.... once a mortal is able to sense and see an immortal creature, their spirit will automatically start reforming into the spirit world, so much that soon, you hardly even feel your body in the real world. Your body will just go into a sleep mode forever. No on has ever succeeded in returning to their mortal bodies so...."

"You are pretty much in immortality forever," Jinx finished.

"Thanks captain obvious!" Castro muttered. 

"So... has my spirit already started going there?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh definitely!" Jinx replied. "You are probably.... half way there! got about 2 days left until you are completely over there!" 

Castro nodded. "He's correct. But don't worry, this isn't just horrible for you! Since we failed our test/quest at life, we will be down there too for eternity," he said sadly. "And trust me, it is horrible down there! All of the  wild breed are down there and let me tell you, even your strength is nothing against them!" He gripped my shoulders. "And the worst part is, if you are killed down in hell you are dead and fall into an endless sleep! They hurt you, break you and you can't run or hide! It's impossible! You're eaten alive down there! And the Wild breed search for your blood because they smell it on you, but you don't have any! You just run in circles from them! They rule that place! they-" 

"Dude! Calm down!" Castro took a deep breath and fell onto the dirt.

"Let me get this straight. Have you ever been down there?" I asked. Castro's head popped up as he replied, "Once! In training, your punishment is going down there for a night and me and Jinx went down once! I don't want to go there forever!" He pretended to sob and through his body over my lap.

"And if you," I pointed at Jinx. "Didn't want to go down there again, why did you come out!? That is the most idiotic thing you could ever do! Not only did you put yourselves in danger, but me too!?  What the bloody hell!?" Jinx shrugged and looked at the ground in embarrassment. 

Castro sat up and stared at me with his big baby blues. "He's an idiot isn't he?" I laughed and Castro looked to the ground, smiling.

"Guys! What are we going to do until we go down!?" Jinx demanded. Are we really just going to sit here sobbing and regretting our lives!?" 

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